In Psalm 27 David speaks of God as his light and his salvation. He also sees God as his stronghold. As Spiritual Christian entities blessed with this miraculous physical body that enables us to carry out our ministry on earth, we sometimes fall victim to the vices of this world.
There are certain things that make the physical being that we inhabit excited. Some people love the sensation of smoking because it helps them cope with some physical discomforts. Some people eat to try and avoid feeling anything physically especially when they are in pain.
There are habits people get in when they are trying to avoid certain physical unpleasantness. It’s a vice that helps them physically escape the torture of pain. The devil uses these habits to get people under his control. He plants them as a source of physical relief to these people.
Prayers against addiction are meant to harness the spiritual being in us and galvanize it to fight the urges of the physical body.
God is our stronghold. The Holy Spirit dwells with our spirit and gives us the strength to fight these addictions from within. When your spirit is strengthened to be disciplined the body will follow suit. Addiction occurs when the body leads the spirit.
As Christians, this should not be the case. The spirit must be stronger than the body and it must control it. God wants us to be well and he has already given us all we need to be victorious. We just need to feed the spirit and make it grow so that it will take dominion over our body.
When you feed the body and neglect the spirit, the body will tell you what you need and since the body is not meant to be ever filled you will become an addict. Pray these prayers with faith and conviction that God wants you to be glorious and victorious in your fight against addiction.
Prayers against Addiction
Prayer for Addict’s Family
Father Lord in heaven,
Thank you for the life of our precious one
we can’t say that we understand what they are going through each day
But we can say that we want to be there for them spiritually and physically
We pray that you give us the strength and courage to help them fight through this
Let us not for one-second try to give up on them
We know who they are and this is just a patchy part of their lives they are going through
Never let us be judgmental or inhospitable to them
Help us find the best help we can for them
Give us the power to turn this around as a family
Help us bring our lost sheep back to this flock
They will always belong with us no matter what
Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer

Prayer for Addicted Loved Ones
Father Lord in heaven,
We pray for our brother, sister, and friend in distress at this moment
They do not look at themselves because of this problem they go through
We know that they do not wish to go through it
And we also know that they are trying their best to suppress the body and listen to the voice of your spirit
Help deliver them, o Lord
Help their spirits win this battle
When the body is weak make them strong
When the devil knocks let them not answer
Shield them from further deterioration
Rescue their bodies from this addictive hole
Fill their hearts with the strength and courage to say ‘no more
Rescue them from this bondage and set them on the path you have planned for them
Be their stronghold and their salvation
Thank you, Lord

Prayer for Addicts in Recovery
Dear Lord
Thank you that I have had the courage and admission to go into recovery
It is not an easy road back, I know
But I am determined to pull through with your strength
There are days when I feel like I want to trip up
Days when the devil tells my body that it is worthless and no one wants me anyway
Days that I doubt myself and question if I can even do this at all
I do not want to give up
I want to be clean and go back to my family and my community
Come and fortify my spirit and encourage me to do this
Help me avoid any bad influences that will set me back
I know that with your strength and your love and the love of my family,
I will go through this with glory

Prayer against Gambling Addiction
Dear Father in heaven,
I come to you today asking for this favor
I know gambling is not something that you approve of
I am a gambling addict
It is beginning to affect my work, my family, and my finances
I cannot go a day without gambling on something
Sometimes I try to quit but before I know it, I am gambling twice as hard as I did before
I do not want to lose everything I have worked for
Please help me quit this habit
Help me develop a good work ethic for my money
Keep me from the bad company that encourages me to gamble
Shine your light unto my life and grant me the strength to kick this habit

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Prayer against Drug Addiction
Heavenly Father,
Thank you that I am alive today
I have gotten myself into some very bad habits
I have caused my body to be a slave to a drug
I cannot stay for long without using
My relationships are all breaking down as a result of this
I have lost my job and I’m about to lose my family
My health is deteriorating as a result of this substance I keep putting inside my body
My spirit resists it but my body craves it
I come to you in tears and prayer today to stop this rot that I’m in
I do not want to live and die like this
I believe you have a purpose for my life
I do not want to throw it all away
Heal me o Lord and I will be healed
Cause my body to renew its strength and reject any urge for this substance
Let my road to recovery begin at this very point
Hear my cry,o Lord, and save me from the hands of the devil

Prayer against Food Addiction
Dear Lord in heaven,
Thank you for giving me the strength to live to this day
Today, I come before you in prayer
I find myself eating whenever I face an emotional dilemma
When I want to avoid feeling anything, I stuff myself with food
It has become a problem for me socially and health-wise
I cannot seem to stop myself
I might eat myself into an early grave
God, I pray for your divine intervention
Help me turn my life around
Help me deal with my troubles in a better way
Let me find a healthier way to conquer the problems and troubles in my life
I ask for wisdom and direction
Let your spirit fill me with courage
Let me resist this evil habit and let my life be in order again

Prayer against Smoking Addiction
Father Lord in heaven,
I come to you today with concerns about my health today
I am an addicted heavy smoker
I have used smoking to deal with my stress for a very long time
It is beginning to affect my health in a negative way
I want to put a stop to it right now
My body now craves for it every moment
I am unable to conduct my business in the right manner
I have lost a lot of clients because they are not comfortable with me
I want to be renewed
I want to take control of my body
Help me, Lord
I want to give this up
Grant me the willpower and determination to do so
Let me be a living testimony unto others
Bring my life back to what it used to be

Prayer against alcohol addiction
Almighty Father,
I pray for the strength to overcome alcohol addiction
This habit has caused me so much loss in life
I want to quit and make things right
But I can’t do this without you, Lord
I need you. Help me. Rescue me. Strengthen me
Give me the willpower to not take in any more alcohol again
Give me the strength to face life sober
When things get difficult, remind me that you are with me
And I don’t need alcohol to pull through
Help me to get my life together
Help me to make things right in my life
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
And let the Holy Spirit be my strength and my guide in all things

Prayer for strength and forgiveness
Precious Lord,
I come to you in prayer today for salvation
Lord, I’m an addict, but I don’t want to be defined by that anymore
I pray for your forgiveness
Please forgive me for this act and cleanse me of all unrighteousness
Take my hand Lord, and deliver me from this habit
Give me the strength to let go and not look back
Help me to avoid friends that will tempt or influence me to give in to addiction again
Fill me with your grace so that I don’t relapse into addiction.
Thank you for the life you have given to me in Christ Jesus
Thank you for setting me free through your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Prayer against Unhealthy Addictive Relationship
Dear Lord,
I pray today that you help me break an unhealthy addiction to someone
I have recently found myself in a codependent relationship
I find myself doing things I regret later because I am addicted to this person
I know that they are not good for me yet I can’t seem to break away from them
The way they live is not consistent with the purpose you have for my life
I find myself constantly in danger and having to escape trouble when I am with them
But I keep going back to them
I do not want it that way
I want to break free of this prison I find myself in
Help me maintain my dignity and follow your word
I do not want to walk the counsel of the wicked
I want to walk under your light
Help me gain my independence from this relationship
Let my relationships be ones you have ordained
Let me meet people who will add value to me and not take away from me
Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer

Do not give up on yourself. It doesn’t matter how bad you believe things are right now, the Lord can restore you. He is omnipotent. He can make you new again. You only need to believe in his word and trust in his holy name. Let him into your life and genuinely believe in your heart that he is your way out of this mess. Your life is precious to him and he cares for you.