9 Comforting Prayers For The Broken

9 Comforting Prayers For The Broken

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18

Being broken is a feeling everyone goes through at some point in their lives. People who get broke are normally people who love with their hearts, trust others, and people who put themselves out there to receive love and hope in return. The Bible mentions a lot of instances where God was displeased by the deeds of mankind. Adam and Eve disappointed God right from the start of human existence.

God showed them love and kindness and they repaid him with disobedience and waywardness. You are made in God’s image and will sometimes be disappointed too by the people you love or have hope in. People have the free will to do anything they want just as you do. And when you choose to put your hope and trust in them, it can sometimes blow up in your face.

The people you love and trust may not necessarily reciprocate those feelings. They may pay you back with abuse, infidelity, cheating, betrayal, chaos, crime, theft, and so on. As a child of God, you will be affected by these vices and misfortunes. There is no way to measure a person’s true feelings for you. People can tell you one thing but have ulterior motives for you. The world will not treat you right because you have good intentions and are nice to people.

People will see your good nature as a weakness and will try to take advantage of you. This is why you must always draw close to God so he helps you get through these moments. Having God will give you perspective and it will help you heal and move on quickly. God will heal your broken heart and make you stronger with each negative experience. Keep your communication lines open with God always.

Never feel like you are alone. Never feel like you have to deal with things by yourself. Always pray to him in your best and worst times. He never sleeps and he is always watching you. Do not stop loving and being kind because someone breaks your heart. Despite all our iniquities, Christ died for us. Let yourself love unconditionally and God will always be with you.

Prayers for the broken

For the broken after divorce

Father Lord in Heaven,
Please heal my broken heart
Please heal my broken home
I know that this was not intended to occur
I did all I could to salvage this marriage
Now I need your strength
Please help me through this
Help my kids through this
Give me the heart to move on
Give me the courage to resist evil thoughts
And wipe my years away today for a glorious future

For the broken after divorce

For the broken after being fired

Dear Lord in Heaven,
Thank you for giving me this job in the first place
I tried to do it to the best of my ability
But circumstances I can’t control have caused me to lose it
I pray that you strengthen me through this period
I have lost my primary source of income
Please help me find food for me and my family
Let your grace be abundant on me
Replace this job with something even greater
Let this be a stepping stone to something better
Please remove any resentment from my heart
And help me focus on what is ahead of me

For the broken after being fired

For the broken after being cheated on

Dear Lord,
I put my trust in the wrong person
They did not return my love and affection
They betrayed me with another
I have lost my faith in humanity
I am broken into pieces
Please send me
Please heal me
Hold me close to you so I don’t feel alone
Help me forgive them so I am not burdened with pain
Cause me to push through this very quickly
And guide me to make the right choices in the future

For the broken after being cheated on

For the broken after a bereavement

Dear Lord in Heaven,
This moment has got me broken
When we started this year together, I did not know we wouldn’t finish it
This death has shocked me
I don’t know how I am going to live without them
I know you are the God that heals
Please heal my broken heart
Please replace everything I have lost in them
Find them a resting place
Accept them into your bosom
Help me move on from this
And help me overcome this pain

For the broken after a bereavement

For the broken after losing property

Father Lord in Heaven,
Thank you for all you’ve done for me
Thank you for everything that I own
What happened was not foreseen by anybody
But I am grateful that I am here in one piece
Please help me replace all that I lost
Please keep all the lives that were affected by this
Sustain them and give them shelter and food
Come and be my protector
Prevent another of these from happening
Let my life be better served from now on
And let me grow even bigger than I was before

For the broken after losing property

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For the broken after being diagnosed with a disease

Dear Lord,
This news is too much for me
My heart is heavy as I pray to you now
I am terrified and expecting the worse
Since I got this news I haven’t been able to sleep
I go to bed each day feeling empty and afraid
Please come and touch my heart
Fill me with the strength to fight this
Hold my hand and let me make it through this
Save me from disgrace
Let my tears move you to heal me
Do not let my enemies laugh at me
And cause me to have even more strength than I had before

For the broken after being diagnosed with a disease

For the broken after an accident

Dear Lord,
I didn’t expect my life to go this way
When I got in the vehicle I committed myself to you
I know that is why I am still alive
Thank you for saving me
I am broken by the injuries I sustained
My life has changed drastically
I cannot do all the things I used to do for myself
I feel pain each time I get up from my bed
I am struggling for the strength to carry on
Please heal my broken heart
Give me the grace to live with strength
And help me not focus on my disabilities but rather on my remaining strengths

For the broken after an accident

For the broken after a failed relationship

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the lessons I learned here
I know I feel like I’ve wasted my time
I had so much hope of this succeeding but it wasn’t to be
I pray for strength
I ask for a forgiving heart and spirit
Let me not be bitter over any wrong that was done to me
Grant me favor and forgiveness for all I did wrong
Let me find perspective
Please replace all the good things I lost
Help me move on from this
And heal me from this pain in my chest

For the broken after a failed relationship

For the broken after being wrongfully accused

Dear Lord in Heaven,
I am in tears as I pray today
I am in captivity for something I did not do
People believe that their evidence makes me a criminal
Only you see all the truth
You know that I am innocent
I pray that you come and rescue me
Save me from this misery
Break the shackles from my wrists
Let the truth come to light
Let the true culprits be revealed
Be my lawyer, dear Lord
And vindicate your child today

For the broken after being wrongfully accused

For the broken after being wrongfully accused

Father Lord in Heaven,
You know I worked hard for this position
I did all I needed to do to get it
it wasn’t meant to be for whatever reason
I am disappointed and deeply hurt
I feel like I wasted my efforts and energy on this
I pray for strength
I ask that you help me find my motivation again
Keep me under your wing and give me counsel
Cause me to work even harder than I did before
Remove all traits of laziness from me
Let me not be bitter to anyone
And help me reach my potential in this job

For the broken after being wrongfully accused

For the broken after a big disappointment

Father Lord in Heaven,
I pray that you help me get over this
I put my trust in man rather than in you
Please give me strength
Help me get over this and learn from it
Let my words be encouraging and reassuring
Let me not give up on this
Please cause me to look up to you from now on
Help me find what I am looking for

For the broken after a big disappointment

Even as a Christian, there will be things that happen in your life that may cause your faith to waver. The most important thing to note is that God will always be by your side to listen to you. He will always be there to console and comfort you. Never feel like any situation is too big for you to handle. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself so that you may live eternally.

That ultimate sacrifice was made for you so that you could withstand any evil and live purely for God until you meet him in paradise. When you feel broken know that only God can heal you. And when he does you will be healed forever. Look up to him and talk to him when you feel unwanted or broken. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


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