You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
Matthew 24:6-7
Greed and other flaws in humans will always make them collide with each other. Just as there are times even family members hate each other, there will be times nations will rise against each other and fight each other until a lot of human life and property is lost.
The imperfections of our physical beings are the cause of these conflicts. Cain killed his brother very early in the bible because he was jealous of the favor Abel gained from God. This signifies a natural tendency for human beings to hate each other because of greed and pure evil.
The Ten Commandments are summed up into love by Jesus Christ. This is because it is impossible for anyone to break them if they have love in their hearts towards their neighbors and brothers.
God gives us the choice to be what we want to be even though he entreats us to follow the path he has chosen for us. Of course, this results in bad choices which lead to the painful suffering and destruction of human life.
Two children from the same home may be raised a certain way but one of them will choose the right path and the other the wrong path.
God has given us dominion over this earth and has told us to love and respect each other. There will always be times when we turn to conflict and destruction because of the greed and hate in our hearts. ..
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace
Ecclesiastes 3:8.
There will be time for war, pain, and suffering. However just as the rainstorm comes and destroys everything in its path, there will also be a time for peace and harmony.
As Christians, we should ask God for protection and peace to reign on our earth since Christ is the Prince of Peace. We must do all we can to help those in war-ravaged areas so that we can reduce their distress.
Just as some people are hell-bent on destroying others, we must be determined to help them. We must encourage them to receive Christ in their hearts and accept the hope of glory in their future. When it looks like all hope is lost we must present the word of God to them and make them strong in spirit.
Prayers in times of war
Prayer against war
Merciful Lord,
We pray against war
We ask that you resolve all conflicts that may end in war
We pray for divine intervention
Touch the hearts of all war instigators
Turn them from their evil ways
Let them reconsider their evil plans
We don’t want any war
Let peace reign amongst us
Resist and evil that seeks to divide us
and help us conquer our fears

Prayer to end terror and violence in the world
Dear God,
Your children live in fear and panic
Fear for their lives
Fear for their family and loved ones
Fear for the future
We ask that you Lord intervene and extinguish all fears in our hearts
Put an end to terror and violence in the world and
Fill our hearts with peace
Establish compassion and understanding among us
and let peace and unity reign
Let the violent put down their arms
and protect the weak and defenseless
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for peace in the world
Sovereign Lord,
We come before your throne today for peace
We pray for peace in the world
Please let your Holy Spirit come down
and fill the heart of men with peace and love
This world is constantly on the verge of war
but we pray for your peace to reign
Have mercy, dear Lord, and
put an end to violence in the world
Put an end to all the suffering and
misery in the world and let peace reign
In Jesus’ mighty name,

Prayer for hope in the world
Precious Lord,
We pray for hope in a world full of hatred and strife
Your word says that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom
When things like this happen it causes fear and panic in the weak and the defenseless
Today, we pray that you feel such hearts with your hope
When fear and panic begin to infiltrate their hearts
Please overwhelm them with your peace
When they begin to worry about the future
Please remind them that you are the one in control and
the future is in your hands
Fill them with your hope, dear Lord
And let them only think about you and
the assurance that your word brings to us

Prayer for love and understanding in the world
Father Lord in heaven,
Today, we pray that you come down on earth to save us
Please come and intervene for us, dear Lord
Your children are in pain
Your children live in fear
Because there is no peace and love
We pray for love and understanding in the world
Please grant understanding to all so that we can all live together in peace and harmony
Please fill our hearts with love and compassion for each other
Teach us to forgive one another
and let peace reign on earth in Jesus’ name,

Prayers for children in war
Dear Lord
Please protect children during this war
Be their provider and comforter
Hold their hands in this dark time
Let the abandoned find help
Let the sick find healing
Let the dead find homes in paradise
Bless their souls
Give them food to eat
Give them shelter and protect them from the cold
Cover them with divine protection and sustain their lives in Jesus’ name

Prayers for leaders in war
Father Lord in heaven,
Even though you created man in your image
His soul was poisoned by the devil and greed and hate was born
Today, I commit all the leaders in the world into your hands
Please fill their hearts with peace and love
Do not let people’s greed destroy the lives of your innocent children
Destroy the evil plans of the callous
Let them put to rest all hatred and let forgiveness reign
I pray for the leaders who can put an end to war and violence on earth
I ask that you strengthen their hand against the enemy
Cause them to be stronger and stronger each day until war and violence are seized
Give them the wisdom to stop the mindless destruction of lives
Come save your children from the world’s crises
Cleanse our land of any evil and let us live in peace and harmony

Prayers for soldiers in war
Father Lord in heaven
I pray for all soldiers in this war
They are family members too
They have people who care for them
Let them return home to their loved ones
Let this senseless war be stopped right now
Bring them home safe and sound
For those who have been killed, I ask that you rest their souls
Let them find a better world with you than they found here
Calm their souls and take care of those they left behind

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Prayer for the deceased in war
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for the dead in battle
I also pray for dead civilians
Prepare a place for their souls in paradise
Wipe their brow of any sweat and give them rest
Forgive their transgressions on earth and accept them into your bosom
Let them be forever honored
Let their memories never be vanquished or forgotten
Let their footsteps on this earth be deeply rooted in cement
Let their souls rest in peace

Prayers for the injured in war
Lord in heaven
I pray for the injured in war
I ask that you heal their wounds
Take care of them and release them from their pain
Let the crippled be strengthened in spirit and not give up on themselves
Let the disabled find help so they can live normal lives
Save the lives of those critically ill
Strike down any enemies that are about them
Detect and remove any nuclear diseases they may have inhaled
Let your protection and grace fall on your people
Save them from death and let them live full lives
in Jesus’ name

Prayers against poverty in war
Dear Lord
I pray that you visit all poverty-stricken areas
Let them find help from the rest of the world
Let them receive generously from others
Give them ways to support themselves
Open doors and opportunities for them
Let them find solace and calm
Help them survive and care for their families
Give them food to eat and water to drink
Thank you, Father, for always providing for the poor and needy

Prayer against famine in war
Dear Lord
Feed the hungry in warzones
Do not let them starve to death
There are innocent men, women, and children crying for your help
Save them from the evil of others
Please provide food and water for them
Their lives have changed for the worse
Protect your children from themselves
Fill their land with food and water
Fill their stomachs with food and their bodies with strength
Let them hang on to their lives and live in peace
Grant them freedom and restore their livelihoods as they know it

Prayer for the aged in war
Heavenly Father
We pray for the aged in war
We pray that you strengthen them and comfort them
Give peace to those who have lost children and grandchildren
Care for those who are sick
Comfort those in shock and pain
Heal the badly stricken
Mend the broken
Keep the souls of the dead
Find the neglected
Save the oppressed and wipe the tears of the saddened

Prayer for life after war
Dear Lord
Thank you for ending this war
We pray that you let peace reign from now on
Let us learn from the mistakes we made in the past
Let us never go back to where we were
Help us grieve for the dead
Help us recover from our losses
Heal our lands and let them recover from all damages
Restore our future
Brighten our paths and restore our hope in the future

Prayer for Ukraine
Almighty Father,
With everything happening in the world and in the country Ukraine,
we come before you today to pray for Ukraine
Please have mercy on them and save them from violence and oppression
Visit them this hour, dear God, and let them see your glory in their lives
Be their refuge, be their comforter and be their provider
Put away any fears and sorrows in their hearts and
Put an end to their sufferings
Protect the defenseless
Provide for the needy and comfort the grieving
Fill their hearts with your peace and restore all that they have lost
Thank you, Father, for hearing our heartfelt prayer
through Jesus Christ, our Lord

War is hell and the people it affects most are children and the vulnerable. The world is not a perfect place but as Christians, we have to hope against all odds that our God will intervene. The greed of men has caused there to be a lot of anger in others and those who feel they have the tools to take over are using force to do so. They do not care about the children and vulnerable people they destroy along the way.
God made the earth so we could live here in peace and love but the devil has turned it into a wasteland where lives are destroyed and greed and vile win always. Pray for God’s intervention today.
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore
Isaiah 2:4