13 Intercessory Prayers For The Sick

These prayers and many more can be found in the book “Release Healing”. You can buy the physical copy here or buy the downloadable copy instead.

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.

Isaiah 53:4-5

Sickness is a symptom of our earthly bodies. When we feel weak and tired it means that we are living flesh that can only inhabit the earth. Our mortal bodies are not going to live forever and sometimes they exhibit the weakness that will eventually return them back to the dirt from which they were made.

The source of our mortal bodies is the earth that it lives on. Our bodies long for the day that they will return to the ground. God breathed into Adam’s body and quickened him to life. This means that it is God who gives and sustains life. God is spirit and it is that spirit that lives in us and gives us consciousness.

God gave His Son as a sacrifice for our sins so our lost spirits could come to Him again. He also gave us the Holy Spirit to guide, heal, refresh, empower, encourage and teach us His ways so that when the time comes for the body to perish our spirits can find their way back to their source which is God.

We highly recommend our prayer book – Release Healing, which contains 50 prayers for healing and strength.

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 30:17

God has already spoken about how He will treat His sick children. The source of our infirmities is the earth that we live in. Our spirits cannot be sick or die since Christ already paid for our wages. This means that to enjoy the healing power of our maker we must be tuned in to His spirit every single time in our lives.

When you know your mechanic’s number you are not afraid of getting a fault in your car because you know that no matter where you break down you can reach out to them for the necessary assistance. Similarly, when we know that God is in control of our lives, we rest assured because we know that no matter what ailment may enter our bodies He is more than capable of restoring us to health.

This is why we must spread the gospel so others can get on God’s contact list as well. We pray for healing for the sick just as Christ did when He walked among us because when you are in Christ his stripes bear witness to your divine healing.

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Intercessory prayers for the sick

Intercessory prayer for sick children

Merciful Father,
We pray for sick children
Their lives have barely begun
They are not old enough to understand the perils of this life
We pray for their young bodies
We ask that you heal them with your divine spirit

Purify their organs and their blood
Remove any speck of dirt and germs from their bodies
Remove all cancers and blockages from their bodies
Cover their muscles and ligaments with the blood of Jesus
Let the healing power of Christ be manifest in their bodies this minute
Restore them back to health and make them stronger than they have ever been

Intercessory prayers for sick children

Intercessory prayers for the terminally ill

Merciful Lord
Only you know the future of your people
Only you have the power to create
Only you have the power to heal no matter the circumstances
Today we pray for the terminally ill
Just as you caused life to return to dry bones
We speak life into the bodies and bones of these people

We pray for the restoration of strength and health for these people
Even though doctors have given fatal verdicts on them
We know that you almighty can change anything you choose to
Quicken their spirits with the holy ghost fire
Let it burn all cancers, lumps, tumors, and blockages from these people’s bodies
We declare that your word concerning their lives will come true
They will not die before their time and they will fulfill the purposes you gave them in Jesus name

 Intercessory prayer for the terminally ill

Intercessory prayer for accident victims

Heavenly Father,
We know that it is not your wish for anyone to perish before their time
We pray for accident victims today
We pray for the men, women who are in critical conditions as a result of accidents
Please restore their health
Help them recover from whatever damage they have sustained

Give them the strength to fight for their lives
Bring back those that are in comas
Return them to their families and loved ones
Work your miracles on them today
Be their doctors and let your divine healing sweep on them today
We declare that people will marvel at their recoveries and give thanks to you, dear Lord
Thank you for hearing our prayer

 Intercessory prayer for accident victims

Intercessory prayer for a sick relative

Father Lord in heaven
Today we pray for the family of sick people
Mothers, wives, and children who have sick family members
We ask that you comfort them
We pray that you help them remain strong in prayer for their sick relative
Restore all they are losing as a result of this sickness
Give them the strength and power to not lose hope and give up on the sick person
Let them continue to trust in your grace, mercy, and healing spirit
Grant them peace in their hearts and let them be assured of your miraculous intervention
Bless and keep them and grant them serenity in Jesus’ name

Intercessory prayer for a sick relative

Prayer for the blind

Dear Lord
We know that the eyes are the light of your creatures
It is the window through which we see the world
Without them our lives are miserable
Today we pray for the blind
Just as Christ opened the eyes of the blind man who begged for mercy

We pray that you have mercy on the blind today
Please restore their sight
Give them back the light of their souls
Wipe away any demonic spot that is preventing them from seeing
Open their eyes with your divine spirit
Help them see again and bring back the joy in their lives

Prayer for the blind

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Prayer for the lame

Dear Lord in heaven
Today we pray for the lame
Christ healed the lame when he walked among us
We know that your holy spirit can help the lame walk
Today we declare your healing spirit into the limbs of the lame
Help them receive their miracle and throw away their walking sticks
Let them arise and walk in your glory
Give them strength and ability
Strengthen their faith and let them believe in your healing power

Prayer for the lame

Prayer for the deaf

Dear Lord in heaven
We ask for your healing power and grace to descend on deaf people today
Help them hear your word as a piercing sword
Let it enter their ears and open it up
We command any blockage in the ear to be removed in Jesus name
We ask for divine healing in their ears
We cancel all generational defects that caused deafness
We come against all demonic interventions that caused it
Let your holy ghost fire burn through and open their ears in Jesus’ name
Let them see your miracle and glorify your name forever

Prayer for the deaf

Prayer for barren women

Father Lord in heaven
Only you can create life
We pray for barren women
We ask that your spirit fills their wombs and help them conceive
Let them receive their miraculous babies and praise your name
We pray that where there was barren soil let there be a beautiful forest
Strengthen their faiths and let them not lose hope
Let them not seek for what they need elsewhere or the devil will take advantage of them
Grant them the desires of their hearts and make them mothers to abundant life
Wipe away their tears and bring them joy in Jesus’ name,

Prayer for barren women

Prayer for impotent men

Merciful Father
We pray for men who cannot father children
We pray for your miraculous intervention
Let your healing power restore strength to their bodies
Empower them to bring forth life
You have said that we will multiply and be fruitful
Give them life in their reproductive systems and make them whole

Prayer for impotent men

Strength prayer for people with sickle cell anemia

Heavenly Lord
We pray for those struggling with sickle cells
We ask that you correct all that is wrong in their bodies
We declare that they shall live all their years in full
We ask that you strengthen their families to keep faith in you
Heal them of their diseases
Give them the strength to get past it
Make miracles happen where we don’t expect them to
Cause your healing force to move through all their bodies
Grant them a healthy life and relieve them of all their pain

Strength prayer for people with sickle cell anemia

Prayer against spiritual sickness

Heavenly Father
We come against any spiritual sickness fighting against us
We destroy any generational curses that have resulted in any diseases in our families
We pray that you remove any traces of these diseases or curses from us, our children, and all our descendants
Give us the power to overcome them
Grant us the faith to stay strong in hope and glory
We eliminate any spiritual agents of the devil causing this pain
We cleanse our family name with the holy ghost
We declare that no one in this family will face such sickness again
We declare that divine healing will be our portion from now on
And this family will be free of all the devil’s entanglements

Prayer against spiritual sickness

Intercessory prayer for Covid-19 victims

Father Lord in heaven
We commit all Covid-19 victims into your hands
We pray that you take this virus away from their bodies
You are the lord that heals us
We pray for divine healing to sweep this pandemic off our land
This disease has taken enough people away and we pray that it stops now
Give us a breakthrough and take this demonic plague away from your children

Touch all the lives that have been affected by this disease
Please replace all that they have lost to this pandemic
We know you are still in control of your children
We ask that you let your holy spirit cleanse and protect each one of us
Make us strong and help us resist this agent of the devil
Break us free from this unhealthy and sickly bondage
Just as you have saved us before in the past we pray that you save us again
Hear our suffering, Lord, and have mercy on us

Intercessory prayer for Covid-19 victims

Intercessory prayer for those with mental illness

Father Lord in heaven
Today we pray to ask for your grace and mercy for those with mental illness
We know you love your people and want to see them happy
We ask that you remove any demonic spirits that are causing anyone these mental problems
We pray that you sanctify them and open their minds again
Give them their lives back and give them to their families once again
Break the chains and bondages that are confining them to these hellish conditions

Destroy any spiritual curses that have caused anyone to lose a family member to mental illness
Wash them in the healing blood of Jesus
Set them free and return them to glory
Take away their dirty clothes and dress them in shiny linen
Let their old days be forgotten and their new days be far greater
Hear their silent cry and break them from this mental prison
Heal them, Lord, and make them whole again

Intercessory prayer for those with mental illness

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. God will take care of His people. He will heal and cleanse their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14-15

Keep the faith and never lose hope no matter your predicament. He is the God of miracles and nothing is too difficult for Him. Trust in Him and believe in His ability and everything will be fine.

These prayers and many more can be found in the book “Release Healing”. You can buy the physical copy here or buy the downloadable copy instead.

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