But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7, 8
A new marriage is like a newly planted tree. Whether or not the tree gains enough strength to withstand different adverse environmental and weather conditions depends on how you care for and nurture the tree.
Some marriages do not survive a year. Others survive for a while but are completely destroyed when there is the slightest form of adversity. Others grow in strength and stature as time goes on. They are strong enough to resist any pressures, earthquakes, rainstorms, scorching heat, bad influences, pests, and fire.
Adverse conditions in a marriage may include financial trouble, job loss, sickness, unfaithfulness, lack of respect, betrayal, and lack of trust. All these issues can cause a weak marriage to collapse. What makes a marriage weak can be linked to the same thing that makes a planted tree weak.
The Bible verse compares those who trust and have confidence in the Lord to trees planted by the water. These trees grow stronger and stronger no matter what weather conditions they are subjected to.
When God is at the center of a marriage, it can only go one way. It is always strong and its leaves do not wilt or dry up. There is always joy and happiness in those marriages because the core values that guide and govern that marriage are of God and spirit and not of the flesh.
If God is in control of your marriage, the faith in Him causes the couples to withstand any negative interventions that threaten to destroy their relationship. Problems in marriages are inevitable. However, how you deal with said problem determines whether the marriage will survive or not.
After a rainstorm, people normally look at the weak parts of their buildings and strengthen them to be able to protect them against the next storm. Similarly, a strong marriage takes lessons from problems they face so they don’t repeat their mistakes.
A tree planted by water keeps digging its roots in the water source so it can keep increasing in strength to resist any negative influence. We must let God into our marriages and use His word as our light; this is the only way our marriages will last.
Prayers for marriage restoration
Prayer to restore your marriage
Almighty Lord,
I come before You today, seeking Your divine intervention in my marriage. Father, I feel our union slowly slipping away, and it’s like there is nothing I can do about it. So I turn to You, the God who restores and makes all things new.
Lord, please heal and rebuild our marriage. Let us rediscover the joy and love that once united us. Whatever forces or circumstances are causing us to drift apart, I ask You to remove and destroy them in Jesus’ name.
Help us to reconnect with open hearts, renewed affection, and unwavering commitment to each other. Teach us to love as You have loved us, with patience, kindness, and grace.
In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer to forgive an unfaithful husband
Dear Lord,
Today, I pray for my marriage. After everything that has happened, I am trying my hardest to forgive my husband and forget about what he has done but it gets harder every time I look at him. Gazing upon him reminds me of everything he has ever done wrong and that makes me get angrier.
But even in my anger, I know that I still love him and I don’t want my marriage to end. So I come to you for healing. Please heal my heart and help me to let go of the hurt that I have been through. I ask for your healing spirit to mend the broken bridges in this marriage. Please take us back to the way things used to be and let us appreciate what we have and what we have built.
When I look upon my husband, please remind me of all the times he did the right things and all the reasons why I love him. Help me to let go of this anger, so that our marriage can thrive. Thank you, Almighty Lord, for hearing my prayer.
Prayer against financial stress in marriage
Heavenly Father,
Times are hard now and our marriage and family is suffering as a result of this. We are struggling to make ends meet and this is causing a lot of tension in our marriage. It wasn’t like this before. Things have gotten difficult and now we tear each other apart over the slightest provocation. The stress is getting too hard to bear. Please intervene for us.
We know this is just a passing moment and things will get better for us again. But right now, Lord, we are stressed and frustrated and we are taking it out on each other. Please remind us of the love we shared and why we are together. Help us to let go of all our anxieties. Remind us that You are our provider.
Guide us with Your loving hand and help us out of this difficult period. Fill our empty coffers with coins and redeem our marriage in Jesus’ name. Amen
Prayer for a childless marriage
Father Lord in heaven,
I am thankful for the life of me and my spouse. I am thankful that You brought us together in holy matrimony. We love each other and we want to be together but we can’t ignore the lack of children in our marriage. We have tried so many times to conceive but it never works out.
Please touch our bodies and remove any hindrances preventing this from happening. Make us fruitful, dear God, so that we can also have our own baby. This childlessness is beginning to affect our union. We find ourselves always arguing and blaming each other for this but I know you are the God who creates and there is nothing you can not do.
Bless our marriage, dear Lord, restore our happiness and give us our hearts’ desire in Jesus’ name Amen
Prayer to revive a broken marriage
Almighty Lord,
My heart is broken, and it feels as though my marriage is reaching its end, but I refuse to give up. I refuse to give up on this marriage, on our lives together and on this family. I refuse to let the enemy have the last laugh. I stand firm in faith, refusing to let this be the end of us.
Father, I pray for Your divine restoration over my marriage. Whatever flames the enemy has extinguished, I pray You will reignite with Your holy fire. Rekindle the spark between us, Lord, and let the love we once shared burn brightly again.
Help us find our way back to each other, dear God. Strengthen our bond and make us unshakeable, more united than ever before. I place my trust in Your power and grace to heal what is broken.
In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for mutual respect in marriage
Dear Lord in heaven,
Please bring back the humility in our marriage. We no longer listen to and appreciate each other. We are making selfish decisions and we don’t care how they affect each other. We’ve opened the doorway to let outsiders in our marriage. We take advice from strangers and no longer share anything together. And all this is doing more harm than good to our marriage.
Now, we don’t respect each other’s opinions anymore. We do things without talking to each other first. Please help us overcome this bad attitude. Help us to close the door to outsiders who negatively influence our marriage.
Let us see the good values in each other. Help us value each other like we used to do. Fill our hearts with love and respect for each other. Bless this marriage, Lord, and restore its strong foundations Amen
Prayers against trust issues in marriage
Dear Lord,
I don’t trust my spouse anymore. After all that has happened and finding out all the lies and the betrayal, I find it hard to accept anything they tell me. But a marriage without trust is just a disaster waiting to happen and I don’t want my marriage to end up in shambles.
I want a forgiving heart, oh Lord. Help me soften my heart and move on from this. I want us to have a future together. Right now, it doesn’t seem like we can because I don’t believe the lies and betrayal won’t repeat again.
Please restore the trust we once shared. Help me break the walls of doubt. Clear my path to happiness and grant us the relief of this pain.
I come before Your holy presence today, in prayer for my marriage. Father, my marriage is suffering. We are no longer attracted to each other. Our intimacy is non-existent. We are not connected anymore.
When we try to touch each other, there is no connection. We don’t look forward to seeing each other anymore. We seem happier when we are alone than when we are in each other’s company.
We want it back, Lord. We want things as they used to be. Give us the spark again. Reignite the passions that drew us together. Rekindle the light that burns strongly to bring us together . In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Prayer against external pressures in marriage
Father Lord,
Please watch over our marriage. Not everyone is happy about our union. These people have made it their aim to break us apart. They spread lies about us and curse us to face problems in our lives and our marriage. They sow seeds of doubt in our minds, so we can hate and disrespect each other.
But You are the God who put us together as husband and wife and so I believe that if it is not Your will, then no one can separate us.
Please strengthen us to resist evil eyes and thoughts about us. Help us trust and love each other even in uncertain times. Give us grace and favor and help us love each other forever. Amen
Prayer for understanding in marriage
Heavenly Father,
Please be our mediator in this marriage. We seem to be traveling on different roads. It’s like we both want different things and we can’t agree on anything. This is causing problems between us and we are fighting a lot.
Our plans and ambitions are not the same and this look like it can be the end of us. Please help us find a solution to this. Let us be happy together despite our differences. Let us find a way to make this work.
Give us a peaceful heart to be able to understand each other. Let us listen more and scream less. Let Your plan for us prevail. Not my plans, not his plans, but Your plans Lord. Let Your will be done in our lives and help us be accepting of Your will, in Jesus’ name,
Prayer to save your marriage
What is happening? What is going on in my marriage? Each day, I feel myself drifting further from my partner, yet I can’t seem to understand what I’m doing wrong or what is causing this distance. Lord, I need You. I need Your presence in my life and in my marriage.
Please, Almighty Lord, save our marriage. Do not let the enemy have the final say. Do not allow the enemy to look upon us and claim victory, saying, “I broke them.” I call on You to intervene, Lord, and bring healing and restoration to our union.
Teach us to love one another again. Remind us of the deep care and need we have for each other. Rekindle the bond that drew us together and make it stronger than ever.
Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering this prayer.
Make sure your marriage is grounded in the Lord. Let him be your source of nourishment and your marriage can withstand any problem. He knows our hearts and He does not want to see us in pain. He loves us very much and wants to see us happy.
Whenever you are going through a shaky patch, reach out to him for answers and He will deliver you. Do not wash your dirty linens in public because that only sabotages and undermines your marriage. Seek the Lord’s help and he will be your solution.
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture