Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:5-7
You are a child of God which means that God is your father. Your father in heaven has given you life, joy, and peace to live here on earth. He has also given you salvation and eternal life with him in paradise after you live on this earth. He also gives you divine health and protection.
He forgives your sins and doesn’t remember them anymore. He lifts you up when you are down and he holds your hand when you are in fear. He raises you from the floor when you fall and he blesses you every day of your life. He prepares a great future for you and tells you not to be afraid of tomorrow because he endures forever.
This is the kind of father that you have in God. Why then should you be anxious about anything? The scripture says that instead of being anxious for food, money, love, healing, life, hope, faith, honor, and prosperity, you should rather pray to your father in heaven.
His peace that transcends all understanding will give you rest and assurance in Christ. The peace in the text refers to freedom from anything that oppresses your heart or mind. If your heart is troubled because of poverty, the peace of God will release you from that stress because you are in Christ.
In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
Hebrews 5:7.
Christ was born of the Holy Spirit through Mary because he had to live as flesh amongst us. The scripture says that even he at some point was terrified of his future. He was about to die a horrible death despite knowing no sin.
He cried loudly in prayer to the father to save him from this tragedy and he was heard. He was strengthened by the Lord and he was able to save mankind unto a better eternal future. He was able to give us the gift that he had already received from his father because he prayed for strength in a difficult time.
Whenever your mind and heart feel troubled because of what you see, pray to the Lord your father as Jesus did and he will hear you. Do not live in fear of what could happen because that leaves you with a troubled mind and heart. Tell the Lord what you want and cast your anxieties unto him. When you pray to him, thank him for hearing your prayer. This is how He saves you through your faith in Christ Jesus.
Prayers for myself
Prayer for my health
Heavenly Father
Thank you for my life
Thank you for sustaining me all these years
You have been faithful and loving to me
I pray that you sanctify my body
Let me be a recipe for divine healing
Let my body be a place of good health
Remove any contamination from my body
Resist all viral, bacterial, or cancerous infections from my body
Take dominion over what enters my body
and let your spirit protect me from all evil plots on my health
in the mighty name of Jesus

Recommended Resources

Morning Prayers: Start Your Day With God

Midnight Prayers: Wake Up And Pray

Total Trust: 5-Day Devotional Plan On Trusting God Completely
Prayer for my job
Dear Lord in heaven
Let your light shine on my job
Let it grow from grace to grace
Let my boundaries know no end
Take me as high as you want to take me
Let me be highly favored in my job
Let me climb up to the top of my job
Let me be fulfilled in my job
Grant me the strength and wisdom to make impacts everyday
Let me reach and exceed all my goals
and let my name be written in eternal letters there

Prayer for my marriage
Father Lord in heaven
I commit my marriage into your hands
Be the foundation of our union
Grant us all our heart’s desires
Let our bond remain ever strong
Give us the strength to make it through any obstacles
Let our home always have joy and happiness
Let the love we have for each other never fade
Hold our fort through any storms or turbulence
Help us resist all evil that surrounds our marriage
Blind every evil eye that looks at us
and let our bond be covered by the blood of Jesus

Prayer for my business
Dear Lord in heaven
Come and take control of my business
Let it be deeply rooted in your grace and abundance
Let it withstand any evil winds of destruction
Remove any evil plotters that wish to undermine it
Let your love and togetherness abound among the workers
Let no one harbor any resentment toward each other
Let my business flourish and grow beyond my imagination
Give me the wisdom to know how to handle difficult moments
Keep us floating in storms of destruction
Be our compass always
and let my business be a reflection of your love in my life

Prayer for my faith
Father Lord
Help me hold my faith in all things
Strengthen it and let it overcome any anxiety in me
Let my faith know no boundaries
Let it clothe me in every weather
Help me never to lose faith no matter the mountain that is before me
Let my thoughts, words, and actions mimic the faith I have in you
Help me heal, strengthen and change with my faith
Fill me with the hope of your glory every day
Let my faith grow in strength each day
Let me not be put down by any evil that seeks to rob my faith
and let me be victorious in all things because of my faith in you

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Prayer for strength, grace, and favor for myself
Father Lord in heaven
Thank you for the love you show me every day
Thank you for my life and all the blessings I receive each day
I am very grateful to you, dear Lord
I pray that you continue to strengthen and love me
Let your favor walk before me
Let me walk over all stresses and obstacles in my life
Let my future be secured in you
Let your grace rain on my family
Let us never know strife or struggle
Let your favor carry me from victory to victory
Let your grace fight for me always
and let my heart and mind be full of joy always

Prayer for my children
Dear Lord in heaven
I commit my children into your hands
Be their strength and provider
Grant them wisdom and understanding in all they do
Let them grow in strength and devotion to you
Let their lives go exactly as you planned for them
Help them focus on their education years
Help them resist all evil temptation
Resist all evil plans concerning their lives
Carry them through all obstacles and struggles in their lives
Let them grow to make you proud
and let their futures be as bright as they can be

Prayer for my education
Dear Lord
Help me through my education
I want to better myself and grow in my career
Give me the strength to do so
Help me through all my classes and courses
Help me keep focus and never lose heart
Let me push my boundaries to be better than I am
Open my mind so I can understand all I learn
Strengthen me through all my tests
Let me pass all my exams with flying colors
Help me reach all the goals I set for myself
Be my inspiration and my companion through my education
and let me finish with grace and success

Prayer for my plans
Dear Lord in Heaven
I commit all my plans to your hands
Grant me the strength to fulfill them
Let me not lose focus on what I want to accomplish in my life
Let my dreams stay real and big
Let me not stumble on the way to accomplishing them
Let nothing distract me from accomplishing my future plans
Let everything in my life work together to make my dreams real
Give me the wisdom to know what to do
Let my speech and actions be positive
Establish my spiritual future
and let your name be glorified in me

Prayer for my finance
Father Lord in heaven
Bless me with your riches
Let your mysteries be revealed to me
Let me receive honor, strength, and good health
Open your treasure of grace and abundance to me
Let me love you and work for your kingdom
Let me receive all blessings and increases from you
Let your holy rain fall on me
Let my lands be plentiful with harvest
Let me reap all that I sow and even more
Let riches and bounty never depart from my home
in Jesus’ name, I pray

You are God’s creation. That means God purposefully made you. He knows that in the flesh, you are vulnerable to the problems of the flesh just as Christ was but he has given you all you need to overcome the evils of this world. You have the Holy Spirit. You also have the freedom to pray to Him anytime you want.
If you feel weak, ask for strength. If you are sick, pray for healing and let him care for you. God is ever willing to hear you and answer you, do not live without him.
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
3 John 1:2