Verse – Psalm 136:13-15
To him who divided the Red Sea asunder, His love endures forever and brought Israel through the midst of it, His love endures forever. But swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea; His love endures forever.
Reflection- Psalm 136:13-15 – Do Not Be Afraid Of What Is Ahead
Have you ever faced a situation that looks impossible to overcome? You look left and right and find no possible solutions. You do not want to turn back because you have come too far but there just doesn’t seem to be a way forward.
Well, God wants us to remember that he can make ways where there doesn’t seem to be any. When it looks like there is no way he can make a way.
When all human solutions fail remember that he saved and sustained the Israelites in the desert for so many years.
This was to show them that his love never fails and that it endures forever. He will never desert you so hold on to him through every crisis and he will bring you out victorious on the other side and cover your problems behind you.

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I know that there is no situation too big for my redeemer. No matter how huge the task is in front of me I will always hold his hand and I will conquer it because he has said so.

Dear Lord
I pray that you take the spirit of fear away from me
When I am faced with difficulty
Let me rejoice in the victory you have already given me
I know every problem is an opportunity for you to glorify yourself in my life
Let me hold on steadfast to you
and I know you will never let me down