Bible Reflection – Jeremiah 17:8 – Trust In God

Verse – Jeremiah 17:8

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:8

Bible Reflection – Jeremiah 17:8 – Trust in God

Verse 7 says ‘But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him’. Jeremiah talks to God’s people here and warns them of the perils of turning away from God. God is the source of life. He is the source of everything that has breath. Anyone or anything that is disconnected from its source must surely die.

The sins of Adam and Eve in the garden made man drift away from the plans that God had for us. God drew the people of Israel to Him because of the covenant He had with their forefathers. However the Israelites often rebelled against Him and fell to sin and death. Jeremiah reminds them that their mere existence is because of God. He tells them to trust in Him if they want life to serve them well.

Let us relate this to our lives today. There are so many challenges we face in this life. There are times we feel like everything is conspiring to work against us. It is during these moments that we need our connection with our source to be very strong.

A tree that is deeply rooted and close to its water source does not fear extreme weather. It does not fear strong winds or tornados. It knows that no matter how difficult conditions are, its life is secured because it is closely connected and deeply rooted in its source. It may lose some branches along the way but it will never fall.

No matter the weather, it continues to bear fruit because it is closely connected to its source. We must do the same. When we face difficult challenges and situations we must put our trust in God. We must be strongly connected to Him and not rely on anyone or anything else.

No matter the winds blowing in your life, or the drought coming your way, god will keep you and make you continue to bear fruit. The fruit that you bear is within you and not without you. Strengthening your relationship with God means that He is there for you at all times. When you feel like you cannot see straight or your movement is restricted, keep faith with Him and He will sail you through even the most difficult of circumstances.

Bible Reflection - Jeremiah 17:8 - Trust In God

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My trust is in You and only You, Lord. It will never wane no matter what happens to me.

Jeremiah 17:8 declaration


Dear Lord
Thank you for being my Rock
Thank you for blessing me
I pray for the strength to keep faith in You
Let nothing cause me to depart from you
Help me continue to bear fruit no matter what
Keep me deeply rooted in You
Help me remain grounded and strengthened each day and help me trust in You in difficult times.

Jeremiah 17:8 prayer


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