One of the main things that Christ did when he was ready to begin his ministry and eventually fulfill his mission was to fortify himself in the spirit by fasting for 40 days and nights. He is then tested by the devil whom he overcomes and then begins his ministry.
If our Savior had to fast like this in his flesh then it means we need to fortify our spirits from time to time during our journeys on earth. There are times that we feel we need total focus on God to get something we want or need. Certain simple pleasures we indulge ourselves in may serve as distractions during such times.
Fasting means abstaining from anything that may be interfering in your quest to speak to God one on one. Some people remove themselves from society completely during such times. Some people also abstain from food or water for a certain period.
Don’t forget that fasting goes with prayer. If you fast for hours or days without praying, you are just starving yourself for nothing. So you have to make prayer an important part of your fast.
When you fast you need to be focused on why you are in a conversation with God. What is your mission? The Father will always listen to His children. Here are some simple prayers for you during fasting periods.
Fasting prayer for breakthrough
Heavenly father
Thank you for sustaining my spirit and my body during this fast
Thank you for my life and all you have given me to this day
I come to you today as bare and plain as the day I was born
I pray for a miracle in this situation I’m in
Heal my wounds, dear Lord
Heal my sickness
Heal my business
Heal my children
Heal my house
Speak new life into everything I do
Destroy all plans of the evil one and cause a breakthrough in my life today
I pray that you create new ways in my professional life, dear Lord
Make highways where there is no way in my life
Heal whatever ailments are in my life that men can’t heal
What is difficult for man is easy for you
I welcome good news into my home onwards
Thank you Lord for answering my prayer,

Fasting prayer when facing temptation
Dear Lord
Thank you for the strength you have given me from day-to-day
Thank you for your watchful eyes over me always
Thank you for your care and protection over my family always
I am experiencing some difficult moments at the moment
I am confronted by the evil and attractive wits of the devil
I am at a crossroads where my soul is the price
I pray for your strength in this spiritual warfare
My spirit is willing to hold on to your word and not sin against you
My body is weakened by the prospect of a better life on earth at the expense of my soul
I pray for your teaching spirit
Come hold my hand through this fast and carry me through to victory
Help me not follow the ways of this world
Help me stay under your holiness
Teach me to watch and pray and wait for your breakthroughs
Let me be patient and not commit a sin along the way
Help me get through this temptation
thank you for answering my prayer,

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Fasting prayer for forgiveness
Dear Lord,
Thank you that I’m alive today
I bless your holy name
Thank you for your strength through this fasting period
I have been disobedient to your word
I have fallen where I should have been strong
I have been corrupted by the pleasures of this world
I pray now to you who has the power to forgive sins
Please cleanse me of all my wrongdoing
My offenses to my fellow man, to myself, and to my family I lay bare under your feet
With my senses and my thoughts, I have sinned against you and my neighbor
I pray for your forgiveness today
Your word says though my sins are red as scarlet you can make them as white as wool
Make me pure again, dear Lord
Help me guard my heart against sinful desires that will destroy me
Help me remain focused on your word so I can resist temptation
Let me not keep company that is quick to sin
Let me be with those who are eager for your word
Bless my soul today and help me learn to please you, dear Lord
Thank you for an answered prayer

Fasting Prayer for wisdom and guidance
Father Lord,
Thank you for giving me sustenance through this fasting period
Thank you for helping me fight my cravings to stay faithful through this fast
I pray today for your wisdom and guidance
I pray that you show me the path you want me to take
Not what I think is the best
I trust your judgment for my life, Father Lord
My judgment leads to destruction and mayhem
I pray that you shine a light unto my feet so that I don’t stumble in this journey of life
Help me listen and follow your word
Let my heart be quiet and listen to your word when you are speaking to me
Let me be able to discern between your word and that of the world
Grant me Solomon’s wisdom to choose wisely in this life
Give me the wisdom to bring up my children in your light
Lead me not into temptation Lord
And set my foot on soft ground each time
Let not my enemies laugh at me
But grant me victory so that others will look at me and give glory to you

Fasting prayer for strength and breaking fast
Father Lord,
Thank you for taking me through this fasting period
I pray for your strength to carry on
Grant me your shield and armor to fight life’s enemies
Help me stand my ground in times of trouble and disturbances
I pray for your loving and guiding hand to lead me away from life’s storms and winds
Let me rest in your bosom always
Be my teacher and provider always
Hold my hands when I walk through danger
Be my healer
Hold me and my family close to you
Let your love be our portion always
Grant us your peace and love so we may show it to others too
Strengthen our hearts and bodies, dear Lord
Give us life and life in abundance
Help us defeat any evil plans of the devil concerning our lives
Be our comforter in time of despair
Be our healer in times of sickness
Shower us with your guidance and wisdom
Thank you for taking me to the end of this fast
Thank you for your strength through it all
Thank you for helping me conquer my cravings and not giving in to my body
Thank you for your love through it all
in Jesus’ name have I prayed,

I am happy to have prayers for fasting
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Thank you .
Thank you for fasting information and prayers how to pray
Thank you for the word of God