Psalm 37:6 encourages us to delight in the Lord and he will fulfill our hearts’ desires. This tells me that God knows exactly what we want. He also knows what we need. Prayers for blessings are meant to reaffirm our faith in God’s ability to meet both our needs and our wants.
Jesus entreats us to ask, seek and knock and we will be answered. We know exactly what our children need but we still expect them to ask us. We want to know that they have complete faith in our abilities to love them and provide for them unconditionally.
When they stop coming to us we start wondering whether they are been drawn away from us or getting their answers elsewhere. We get edgy and uncomfortable with this because deep down we are convinced that no one will ever love them more than we do.
Well God feels exactly the same way about us. He gives us all the gifts we don’t even ask for. He gives us air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, divine protection day in and out, and so on.
He still loves it when we talk to Him. It gladdens His heart to know that we lean on Him and He is our Rock. We must stay connected with God and ask Him constantly to bless every aspect of our lives.
No matter where you find yourself at this moment in time you will always need him with you. Ask for good things to come to you. Tell him to bless you and multiply your riches. He is your father, he is only happy to do it.
Prayers for blessings
Prayer for blessings in my life
Dear God,
I’m here today as your child to ask for sufficient blessings in my life.
Blessings for long life, blessings for good health.
I pray for blessings above for everyone in my life.
Where there’s life, there’s hope so I pray that You bless me with life
so I remember to never give up during trials.
Wherever I step, let Your blessings be abundant in my life
let things turn around for me good,
let me be the head and never the tail.
Let people see me as a unique and favored child of You.
Let me be in awe of Your goodness and mercies.
Thank you for the everyday blessings in my life

Prayer for blessings on your marriage
Father Lord in Heaven
Thank you for my marriage
Thank you for giving me a partner for life
I pray today to ask you to bless my marriage
We started with your blessing and we want your constant blessings every day
Bless our intimacy, let us remain stronger and stronger
Even when we have misunderstandings, let us do so in love
Let our union prosper and set good examples for our children
Let us love each other from our youth to when we are gray
Let us bear many fruits
Rain happiness and contentment on us each day we are together
Never take the smiles away from this house
Keep the devil away from us
Let us live forever happy in you
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for blessings for your family
Heavenly Father,
I come before You today to pray for every member of my family.
I pray You bless each and every one of them with their heart desires.
If any of them is going through hard times,
Please deliver them and restore them with your blessings.
Please let them remember You in times of need
It is through You that all good things come.
I pray You bless them with good things in life.
Please order their steps so they can be at the right place at the right time.
Protect them from any evil plans of the enemy and all bad fortunes.
I trust You to answer my prayers, through Jesus Christ,

Blessings for the workplace
Hello God,
Thank You for my job and for providing for my family.
I pray You bless me at work.
I pray You blind any evil eye and remove jealousy from my way.
Help me to excel at my job
God, it is You that makes a man rich.
I, therefore, come before You to ask that You bless me according to your riches
Let me be a big blessing to everyone I encounter in my workplace.
Please keep me healthy so I can work hard
Take any bad company and enemies disguised as friends from my life in Jesus’ name,

Prayer for blessings for your children
Father Lord in Heaven,
Thank you for giving us fruits of the womb
Thank you for blessing our family with new life
Please bless our children
Bless them with wisdom and understanding
Help them be obedient and resilient children
Help them resist evil and focus on your word
Help us raise them under your love and care
Help them grow in love
Help us raise them with godly values
Shower your blessings on them
Give them strong bones and bodies
Let them stand out in excellence in their schools
Open their minds and make them conquerors
Let them grow to be responsible adults
Plan their future and order their steps into success

Prayers for blessings for your job
Almighty Father in heaven,
Thank you for giving me this job
I speak blessings onto my career
I pray that your divine favor follows me every step of the journey
Fill my office with joy and satisfaction
Let me leap every obstacle that I face
Bless my work and let it be excellent
Help me rise and rise through the ranks
Remove any issues that may cause me to lose my job
Seal any traps that may await me in my corporate journey
Bless me and let me conduct myself with utmost respect and professionalism
Promote me and push me to break grounds in this company
Make me the best in all I do
Remove arrogance from me
Make my life better and better through this job
In Jesus’ name,

For the holy spirit
Dear Lord,
I’m thankful for the abundant blessings in my life.
I pray for the grace to have a committed relationship with You
I ask for your grace and anointing to remain steady in my life
So that I don’t miss my heavenly and earthly blessings.
Lord, You sent us the Holy Spirit after Your son, Jesus ascended to Heaven.
I, therefore, pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to help me be positive in all my endeavors.
Let it lead me now and forevermore and make Your glory shine through me always.
Anoint me with the Holy Spirit to remain fit and upright for Your kingdom in Jesus’ name.

Prayers for blessings for your health
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of life this day
I speak blessings onto my health today
Let my body be a divine sanctuary
Let my health be a picture of perfection
Make me as strong as an ox
Grant me long life with impeccable health
Let divine healing be a constant in my home
Keep all my family members healthy
Remove any accidents from our lives
Let all our travels be successful ones
Let all our internal organs function perfectly
Remove any cancers from our bodies
Bless us with strong bodies and help us resist any parasites
Keep us safe during pandemics
and let our family enjoy your holy protection from diseases

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Prayers for blessings for your finances
Father Lord in Heaven,
I pray for my money issues today
I pray for prosperity in my business
Help me grow financially
Let everything I touch turn to gold
Bless my endeavors and let me reach the goals I set for myself
Let not my toils be in vain
Open the floodgates and let money flow to me abundantly
Let riches rain upon my shores
When I sell let others buy
Show me ways in which I can enrich my life
I reject poverty in Jesus’ name
Rain on our farms and make them productive
Let our harvests be more plentiful than what we planted
Let us shine in golden linens and the finest things
Bless our coffers and make the glow with shiny minerals

For friendship blessings
I come before You as Your child.
I commit my heart to You Lord.
Give me a good heart, full of love.
You commanded us in Your word to love one another.
Please teach me how to love with all my heart.
Teach me how to serve You, Lord, so I can merit all my blessings.
Thank You for the friends You have blessed me with.
Please help me attract good people as friends in my life.
Let me meet influential people because of the people I associate myself with.
Protect my friends so they don’t fall into bad company and evil people.
I pray problems stay far away from my friends and me.
Let our gathering always yield good results and big blessings.
In Jesus’ name,

Prayers for blessings for your friends
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the friends that I have
Thank you that they have enriched my life
I pray that you grant their heart’s desires
Fulfill all their fantasies
Extend their boundaries
Fill their lives with laughter
Rain prosperity into their lives always
Carry them over whatever obstacles they may be facing
Let your healing spirit dwell in their lives
Let goodness and mercies follow them all the days of their lives
Bless their children and their families
Let them know no sorrows and give them the spirit of longevity
In Jesus’ name,

Prayers for blessings for your country
Dear Father in Heaven,
I commit my country into your hands
Rain your fruitful blessings on this land
Let the soils of this country be fertile
Let the country flow with milk and honey
Let this be a nation after your own heart
Be this country’s protector and leader
Bless the president and his followers with wisdom to govern this country in your name
Give researchers the knowledge to make this country develop
I pray that you make the people of this country keep and follow your word
Remove all rebellious activity that will put this country’s future in danger
We resist any acts of war and destruction
Develop this country with your power
Let food and water be abundant for the people of this country
Plant riches on the shores of this country
Let us maximize our resources and not lack anything
Protect us from evil invasions and make us strong and fearless each day

Prayers for blessings for your business
Father God in Heaven,
Thank you for this business of mine
I pray that you bless everything about this business
Help me stay competitive all the time
Bring prosperity and abundance into this business
Help me excel and provide top quality services
Bless my workers and let them lead successful lives
Grow my business’ finances and let it stand tall
Bless our brand and let it break bounds and go places
Remove any obstacles that may derail the progress of this business
Thrive my business and let it grow exponentially
Let it be established even long after I am departed
Thank you for answering my prayer

Prayers for blessings for your future
Dear Father,
I pray and commit my future into your hands
I do not know what tomorrow will bring
But I pray that it will be joy and laughter
Let my future be filled with riches, prosperity, peace, good health, long life, and love
Let all traps and curses meant for me turn on those who put them there
Let my future be littered with gold and prices
Secure my promotions at work
Make me as big as I could possibly be
Let all my dreams come to fruition
Let me realize my potential
Let my future reflect your loving-kindness in my life
Move me from grace to grace
Let me leap from strength to strength
Bless my family’s future
Let my fruits share in your glory
In Jesus’ name,

Prayers for blessings in your utterances
Dear Lord,
I pray that you change the way I speak
Let my speech reflect blessings and honor and glory
Help me speak positivity unto my life
Cut out my negative tongue and give me a tongue of blessings
Let me speak healing and life unto everything that is broken
Bless my tongue
Let it offer words of comfort and prosperity
I do not want a tongue that curses
I want a tongue that blesses
Let my words bring progress and togetherness
Let not my words divide or cause trouble
When I speak let hearts calm down
Bless my words and let them bring riches and power
In Jesus name, I pray,

God has abundant blessings for us all. We are his children and he likes to see us prosper. Speak blessings into your life. Do not be silent or others will decide your future. Open your own doors. Create your own breakthroughs by speaking regularly with your father. Jacob stole his brother’s blessing because he was close to him and spoke to him very often. Tap into God’s blessings by always being under his feet. God bless you. Amen.