Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer
Romans 12:12
Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
Proverbs 14:29
Sometimes when you are driving in adverse weather conditions, you take your time because visibility is poor and your car may not be as stable as it would be in ideal weather. You know that slowly but surely you will get to your destination if you patiently and cautiously drive through the dangerous road.
Our daily lives are filled with instances like that. There are times when we cannot really see the road ahead. There are times when it feels like we are going nowhere and we are pressured into taking shortcuts that will get us to our destinations faster.
As Christians, we must be happy that we have the Lord on our side. We are convinced that we are on the right path to heaven and any shortcuts or deviations will end up hurting us.
As we walk with the Lord, we should know that he will not lead us astray. We should stay the course and never be tempted to move away from it. There are those who speed up on roads and end up at their destinations either injured or deceased. All these warn us to be patient and live in hope and faith in the Lord, knowing that no matter how long it takes we will reach the Promised Land.
Patience is a virtue and being known as a patient person makes you approachable and dependable. Be patient in your marriage, workplace, place of business, as a parent, and everywhere you find yourself. Do not fly off the handle every time you hear something depressing or annoying.
Take deep breaths and find your work carefully. Get into this habit of gentility and your life will be filled with peace instead of mayhem. As Christians, we have the responsibility to attract people to us not drive them away. People should be able to come to you with their issues for resolution because of your gentility, patience, and understanding nature.
Prayers for patience
Prayer for patience in marriage
Dear Father in heaven
Today I pray for patience in my marriage
Help me understand my spouse and their sensitivities
Let me listen and respect them for who they are
Let me be slow to anger and be gentle in my marriage
Give us the strength to wait for your face in our marriage
When we pray to you, help us wait on your answer
We ask for patience in our prayer requests
Help us wait for your gifts of life
Let us not follow our own understanding
but rather live in conscious hope of your glory

Prayer for patience in parenting
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for these kids you have blessed me with
I ask that you help me be a wonderful parent to them
Give me the strength and patience to understand and trust them
Let them feel comfortable enough to come to me when they are in trouble
Let me not be harsh on them but let me keep them like a good shepherd
Help me raise them with good values and your word
Help me keep them under your watch for as long as I will be with them
Let me love and care for them the way you do for me

Prayer for patience as a neighbor
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for my neighborhood
I ask that you give me the strength and patience to be a good neighbor
Help me be understanding and loving toward everyone
Let them be drawn to your love through me
Let my actions attract my neighbors to you
Help me resist unnecessary feuds and fights that will tarnish my reputation
Let me meet those who hate me with love
Open my heart to be gracious and gentle in my dealings with them
Let our families exist in harmony and peace forever

Prayer for patience with my family
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for my family today
I pray that you help me live by example
Let me be patient in times of quarrels with my siblings
Let me always advocate for peace
Help me bring my family together always
Let me instill values that will keep us loving each other always
Help me understand our differences and be a good sibling to everyone in my family
Let my heart be a place of love
And bless me to love everyone with gladness and sincerity

Prayer for patience at work
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for patience at my workplace
help me respect and accept others
Let me coexist well with everyone
Help me not be drawn into any conflicts
Help me achieve my goals
Grant me the strength to accept my faults and foster a good working environment
Help me not discriminate against my coworkers and customers
Let me be slow to anger and gentle in my dealings
Grant me the grace to reach my potential in Jesus’ name

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Prayer for patience in troubling times
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for patience today
I am going through some bad times
But I will wait for you in prayer
Help me listen to your word
Don’t let me stray from the path you have set for me
Help me wait on your grace
Let me stay still and not be discouraged by these trying times
Help me maintain my faith in you and know that you will deliver me in due time

Prayer for patience in sickness
Heavenly Father
Help me stay patient and wait for your divine healing
Let me not lose hope in your abilities
Let me keep hope alive and be strong in my convictions
When all seems lost, let me keep hope alive
Don’t let me give up on myself
Help me stay strong and hopeful in your grace
Give me the strength and patience to wait on your healing

Prayer for patience with others
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for patience and compassion in my angry moments
Open my eyes to accept the differences of others
Let peace reign in my heart in times of conflict
Let me be slow to anger and listen more
Allow peace and understanding to follow me wherever I go
In my anger, let me be gracious and accepting of other people’s feelings

Prayer for patience and peace
Heavenly Father
Thank you for my life today
I pray for patience to handle conflicts
Help me relate well with others during conflicts
Don’t let my anger overcome me
Let me remain peaceful and talk gracefully to others during conflicts
Help me resolve any issues I have with friends and family
Let me be a symbol of peace in my neighborhood
Grant me the peace and serenity to remain calm always
Thank you for answering my prayer

Prayer for patience in God’s timing
Dear Lord
Thank you for the gift of life today
I pray that you help me stay patient for you
Let me hold out for the grace you have planned for me
Let me not hastily take my own path or any shortcuts
Let me remain faithfully under your care and love
Let me not stray unto a path of destruction
Help me to trust in your timing
Help me stay focused on you as I wait on your grace

Pray for patience. Sometimes it is difficult to stay patient and wait on the Lord when we go through trying times. This is why we must ask him for strength to be able to overcome our human inhibitions. Sometimes it just takes a few more moments of patience to get a big breakthrough. Just keep going and waiting on the Lord whilst doing his will and your redemption will come.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up and also
Galatians 6:9
2 Chronicles 15:7 says But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. This tells us of an impending victory that we must not miss out on.