11 Powerful Prayers Against Witchcraft

11 Powerful Prayers Against Witchcraft

Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance”

1 Chronicles 10:13

Saul was a great king of Israel appointed by God. He lost God’s favor during his reign because of his disobedience and arrogance. Amongst the things he did was consulting mediums of earthly power for guidance.

God is a jealous God and he does not want his children to put their souls and faith into creations of his. Every earthly power that is not consistent with God’s light is of the devil. When you attach them to your soul, you forfeit the favor of God upon your life.

When you open up your soul to mediums, dark priests, dark lords, and agents who exchange your soul for riches or something that you want, you anger the Lord. Going to places like that proves that you have a rebellious heart against God and that you are an idol worshipper.

The commandments you follow to get what you want when you visit agents of hell show the Lord that you are willing to commit to creatures rather than the Creator. Only the Lord can keep you safe from this evil world.

There is nothing in the world that is greater than him do not let fear drive you to do evil against the Lord. The sacrifices you offer when you visit earthly spiritualists, divinations, witches, and other gods all cause you to deviate from the plans of God and make you stray from the path that will take you to his kingdom.

When you attach yourself to those forces, you put yourself in darkness. Those who ally themselves with darkness and evil are hidden from the light of God. They must come out of that darkness if they want to be saved.

Prayers against witchcraft

Prayers against witchcraft in marriage

Father Lord in Heaven,
I pray for this marriage
Please deliver it from evil plans
Let all demonic activity concerning this marriage end immediately
Any demonic entanglements must be cast into hell
We destroy all spiritual marriages in Jesus’ name
We disconnect ourselves from any spiritual entanglements
We commit this marriage to your hands
Let all the mistakes of our past bear no consequence to this marriage
In Jesus’ name, we pray

Prayers against witchcraft in marriage

Prayer against witchcraft in the family

Dear Lord in Heaven,
We come against any evil activities in this family
We destroy all plans to kill, maim, destroy, and steal the souls in this family
We destroy any incantations and omen that are in place to trap the souls in this family
We pray that you keep the souls already lost to this evil
We pray that you forgive those who have allied themselves to this darkness
We plant this family into your land of light
Let all the seeds that come from this family be of light
And come and take dominion of all the souls in this family

Prayer against witchcraft in the family

Prayer against witchcraft in the workplace

Dear Lord,
I come against all evil plans in the workplace
Let those who labor in the night to destroy me labor in vain
Let those who plan my downfall fall into their own pits
Destroy all incantations that wish to use my personal things
Cut off all dealings in the darkness concerning me in the workplace
Let all good things in the workplace come to me
Cover my sitting place with your grace
Open my eyes to see physical and spiritual traps
and guide me to your light everyday

Prayer against witchcraft in the workplace

Prayer to destroy witchcraft attack on prosperity

Dear Lord in Heaven,
Help me in this life of endless battles
If anyone plans to remove me because of my property
Let their plans fall on them
Shield me from evils that want to take from me
Build my properties in your spirit and on your foundations
Let those who plan against me plan against you
Hold me in your grace and let everything I acquire be immersed in your holy spirit
Let my properties be your properties
and bless me and my descendants to enjoy all you plan to give me and my family

Prayer to destroy witchcraft attack on prosperity

Prayer to destroy curses from witchcraft

Father Lord in Heaven,
We cut off any curses from witchcraft activities
We close all evil portals that have been opened in the past
We send back any evil minions that have been unleashed on us as a result
We return all curses back to the senders
If we made any mistakes that followed us till now please deliver us from them
We cut off all chains that bind us as a result of witchcraft
Bury all the residue from evil in our lives
and give us strength and power for a glorious future

Prayer to destroy curses from witchcraft

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Prayer to save those who have been deceived into practicing witchcraft

Dear Lord,
I release all those who have been led into witchcraft
I pray you open their eyes to see your light
Save them from this bondage
Break their shackles of slavery
Do not judge them because they don’t know what they are doing
Guide them to your grace
Forgive all their transgressions
Destroy the hand that takes them into destruction
Grant them peace and tranquility
Let them find solace in you
and help back into your loving arms

Prayer to save those who have been deceived into practicing witchcraft

Prayer against spiritual blindness

Dear Lord,
Please help those who are spiritually blind
Deliver those whose bodies and souls have been taken over by the devil
Open their spiritual eyes and let them see your love
Save them from the claws of the devil
Grant them a passageway out of that hell
Hold their hands and guide their steps to you
Cast away any demonic hold on them
Even if they walked into it, save them from it
Do no not hold their errors against them
Hold them in your hand always
and let them not fall by the wayside

Prayer against spiritual blindness

Prayer against generational witchcraft

Heavenly Father,
We come against any generational witchcraft
Whatever we inherited from a past family member is released in Jesus’ name
We burn all the connections we have to an evil past
We destroy all evil words that have been said in the past to ruin us
We cover all evil that was unleashed on our family as a result of a broken promise or a vice that was Committed by any past family members with the holy ghost fire
If any incantation was left us to protect us we reject it in Jesus’ name
We ask that you are our sole protector
and never leave us to the evil plans of witchcraft

Prayer against generational witchcraft

Prayer for forgiveness for witchcraft

Dear Lord in Heaven,
We ask for forgiveness for all the bad choices we have made
Please forgive whatever we did to allow witchcraft to destroy our lives
Please forgive what we did wrong to anyone to reign any curse on us
Please forgive whatever law we broke to unleash any evil on us
Please forgive us for anyone we have led astray
Let our lives be free from any mistakes of the past
If we are cursed because of someone we hurt or disappointed, please forgive us and release us
Grant us peace to live our lives without fear
and bless us always despite our flaws

Prayer for forgiveness for witchcraft

Prayer against witchcraft after death

Father Lord in Heaven,
We ask that you protect all departed souls
Disconnect them from any evil they were connected with on earth
Do not let their images be used for any evil adventure
Let them be remembered for holiness and not evil
Let them rest peacefully and find a home in your abode
Let all witchcraft activities be ceased in Jesus’ name
Let their graves or remains not be used for anything abhorrent
and let their deaths not be used as a token, payment, or as a sacrifice.

Prayer against witchcraft after death

Prayer against witchcraft  in dreams

Father Lord in Heaven,
We ask that You protect our dreams and fill them with holiness
Take over our bodies and consciousness as we sleep
Do not let any evil take over our dreams
Guard our hearts and dreams as we sleep
Let the evil that people send us to be sent back to them
Let us dream dreams of progress
Let us see revelations of miracles and healing
and let our dreams be void of evil

Prayer against witchcraft  in dreams

Your soul is what the devil seeks. He will offer you all that your physical heart desires in exchange for your soul. All agents of darkness including witches, dark priests, and mediums, are in search of your unique soul for hell.

This is why you must only preserve your soul for the Lord. He’s the only one who can give it the rest it deserves in eternity. The devil puts your soul in bondage forever just because you want something to enjoy ij the physical world. Let the Lord be your light and do not depart from his teaching.

“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft ,or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

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