Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul and my body also. For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away.
Psalm 31:9-10
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
There are physical scars we get from bumping into tables and chairs, being in accidents, and taking heavy falls. There are also scars we get from getting hurt, brokenhearted, disappointed, and spiritually crushed. These scars often manifest themselves physically in the forms of sadness and sorrow.
When you are sad in your heart, it is difficult for you to be happy physically. The scars in your heart leave you hurting and bleeding anytime you are reminded of what caused you those scars.
It is easier for physical wounds to heal than for emotional wounds to disappear. There are times we even project the anger we feel on people who do not deserve it just because we are still hurting from the pains of the past.
Carrying emotional scars in your heart will ruin your happiness in life. It will steal your joy and it will prevent you from trusting in anything again for fear of getting hurt again.
The good news is that there is a God who heals everything, both physical and emotional scars. He is the one we rely on to keep us going no matter the hurt, bruises, and disappointments that we suffer.
He entreats us to cast our burdens aside and follow him because he wants to give us rest. A sad and sorrowful heart is a huge burden to carry. It doesn’t allow you to move on in your life and leave the past behind. It causes you to cry and feel alone from time to time. It takes away your purpose in life and sometimes causes you to pick up bad habits just to help you numb the pain.
It is a disease that can affect anyone and everyone. God wants us to live happy lives so we can do his work. He wants to take away the sadness and sorrows in your heart. He wants to heal you of your scars and break the chains keeping your joy and happiness in bondage.
Imagine carrying a heavy load on your back that is slowing you down on your journey and meeting someone who tells you to set the load aside and continue the journey with the faith that all your needs will be provided for the rest of your journey. That is what God does for us.
Prayers for the sad heart
Prayer for joy for a sad heart
Dear God,
I’m sad. I have this kind of empty feeling deep inside.
I don’t know what is causing this or why I feel this way sometimes.
Nothing excites me, and most of the time, all I want to do is to be by myself
and feel sad and sorry about my life.
God, I don’t want to feel this way. I want to be happy.
Please take away this sadness from my heart.
Reach deep into the depths of my soul and remove whatever it is that makes me sad within.
Fill me with your joy. Fill me with inexplicable happiness.
Let me wake up each day, just happy to see a new day.
Let me go to bed each night feeling grateful and fulfilled.
Help me to make this life you’ve given me worthy

Sorrows from a loss
Merciful Father
I have lost someone dear to my heart
And it has opened a wound that is not healing
This person meant a lot to me
I loved them very much
I know that only you understand what you do
I know that you only do what is best for us
I pray for strength to overcome this pain
Help me heal internally
I have cried, I have wailed, now I need you to heal my broken heart
It was unexpected for me and my wounds are fresh
But I know you are the Lord that heals us
Heal my heart, my Lord

Sadness from a break-up
Heavenly Father
I am broken because I have been lied to
I gave my heart to someone who didn’t really want it
I just found out they were using me
I ask that you help me forgive them and move on
I pray that you help me forget the hurt they caused me so my scars can heal
Dry the tears from my eyes and replace them with joy
Hold my hand firmly through this difficult period
I don’t want this to change my love and affection for others
I don’t want this to leave me with trust issues
Help me heal and restore my faith in people

Sadness from a divorce
Dear Lord
I have gone through something I didn’t expect to ever go through
My partner and I are separated
We could not resolve our issues together
Now we must go our separate ways after being together for a long time
My heart is sad and my body is numb
The family and things we struggled to build is being torn apart
Through this time I ask that you comfort me
Be my shoulder and my solace
Heal my scars and take away my pain
Let your spirit strengthen me
Give me the grace to stay strong for the children so this doesn’t affect them
Thank you for hearing my prayer

Sadness/Sorrows from Barrenness
Everlasting Father
Please hear me speak through my pain
I have searched for a child of my own for a while now and the answer is always no
When I see little ones playing outside, I feel a sharp pain in my heart
I am not asking for fortune or fame
I want my own little one
My heart is troubled and in pain every day
I don’t know what I have done wrong
I need you to help my hand stop shaking
Let my voice stop trembling when I speak
I am consumed by sorrow every day
Break me from this chain
Grant my heart’s desire and stop these tears from flowing

Sadness from Poverty
Giving Father
My heart and soul is troubled
Every day I wake, I worry about where our next meal is coming from
I have lost my job and our savings are disappearing fast
I am constantly thinking about how to make this work
My kids cannot go to school anymore and we are very close to becoming homeless people
Everything we used to have is a distant memory now
Please help me out of this pain
I have always trusted in you and I will continue to do so
Just like you restored Job’s fortunes, please do the same for me
Smile upon me and my family

Sadness/Sorrows from Sickness
Heavenly Father
My heart is trembling in fear and pain
This disease has left so many scars on my heart
Every time I don’t hear good news about it, I tremble a little
I lay down each night thinking about what might happen to me
I cry and hope that one day I will wake up free from it
I am broken emotionally because it keeps getting worse and worse
I know you are the God of miracles
I ask that you deliver me from this hell
Restore my health and my strength by the stripes of Christ
I claim my healing in the name of Jesus
Give me strength in abundance and clean my spirit
Thank you for answering my prayer, Lord

Sadness from Deception
Father Lord
I have been duped, deceived, and taken advantage of
I know vengeance is for you but I am in great pain now
So many things I worked for has been taken from me in the blink of an eye
I trusted people I shouldn’t have trusted and they let me down
My heart is hurting
Please restore all that I have lost
Let me get more than I had because my riches are in you
Give me the strength to keep holding on
Let me not be overcome by grief
Let me hold on to your word and cast my burdens on you
Liberate me from this hell, Lord

Sadness/Sorrows from Traumatic Experience
Heavenly Father
Thank you for protecting and keeping me all these years
I ask that you remove the scars I suffered on that day
I want to move on with my life but I keep on playing back the events of that day
I want to be free of this memory and this pain
I project my insecurities on others because of it
Help me overcome this hurt
Help me forgive myself and the one who caused it
Let me open my heart and be able to love again
Redeem me from the bonds of this experience and
Let me go on to love even more than I did before

Pain is the devil’s way of holding you back. He doesn’t want you to move on so he keeps serving you reminders of what was done to offend or hurt you. The forgiveness you will give will be the key to unlocking the next part of your life. Meditate on God’s word and let him help you recover from your hurt.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4