Every couple gets to a point where they decide it’s time to grow their family, so they start trying for a baby. Some people get pregnant immediately after they decide they want to, but for others, pregnancy doesn’t come easy. They have to try for months, if not years before they can conceive.
It can be very heartbreaking and disappointing when you go through every month, hoping for a positive result and yet not getting it. The Bible says in Psalm 127, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him”.
This means that God is the one who gives us children, so if you want a child, go to the Lord in prayer, and if it is His will, he will give you a child when the time is right.
Dealing with infertility is not easy, aside from the pain and hurt you feel within because you can’t conceive, sometimes people can also make it even harder on you. Being it in-laws, friends, or neighbors, sometimes your own parents can even be the ones giving you a hard time about not giving them a grandchild.
But none of these really matter if you have a supportive and understanding spouse. Infertility can affect both men and women, and it can even lead to conflicts and discomforts in the marriage.
But no matter what happens, remember that children come from God, and God is the almighty one and a great healer, so no matter what is preventing you from conceiving, he can deliver you and make you fruitful. Below are some prayers against infertility you can say as you wait on the Lord for your miracle.
May the Lord have mercy on you and grant you your heart desires. May he wipe away your tears and sorrows and fill your heart and your home with happiness, laughter, and children.
Prayers against infertility and barrenness
Bless my womb
Gracious Lord,
I come to you in prayer today to ask that you bless my womb
Father, I’ve been trying to conceive for years and nothing is happening
I pray that you will look upon me with pity and help me to conceive
Father, just as you did it for Sarah, I’m ready for my miracle too
Let me also experience the miracle of bringing a new life to this world
Help me to be patient as I wait on you for my miracle
Thank you for hearing my prayer,
In Jesus’ name,

Give me a chance at motherhood
Dear God,
I’ve been struggling with conception for some time now
The doctors have said their piece
But I refuse to accept it in Jesus’ name
Lord, it is your will that we fill the earth
And so I pray that you make me fruitful so I can fulfill your will
Please heal whatever that needs healing in me
And give me a chance at motherhood,
In Jesus’ name,

Deliver me from this infertility
Almighty Healer,
I come to you in prayer today for your healing mercies
Lord, I have fertility issues and so I can’t conceive
But you, Oh Lord are the true healer and there’s nothing you can’t do
I pray that you, Lord will heal me
Let your healing power flow through my reproductive system
Let it repair and heal whatever is causing my infertility
Make me whole, Lord, and deliver me from this infertility
In Jesus’ name,

Bless our union with a child
Gracious Lord,
Thank you for bringing us together as husband and wife
Lord, it is our desire that we start a family together
So we pray that you bless our union with a child
We promise to do our duties to this child
And raise him in your light with love and affection
Please hear our prayer and fulfill our desire to be parents
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for a successful IVF
Almighty Lord,
I’ve been struggling to conceive for some time now
And so I’m going for an IVF
But I’ve been plagued with an uncontrolled sense of uncertainty and hopelessness
So, I pray that you will come and take control of the whole process
Let this procedure be successful in Jesus’ name
Let me return home from the hospital as an expectant mother
I pray that when I conceive, you will guide and protect my baby
Give my body the strength to carry the baby to full term
And when it’s time for the baby to be born, bring the baby safely to this world
Thank you for blessing my womb with a child of my own,
In Jesus’ name,

A husband’s prayer for his infertile wife
Heavenly Father,
I bow to you in prayer for my wife
Father, it is her desire to be a mom and have a child of her own
But this has been a very difficult journey for her
And it breaks my heart to see her sad and in pain because she can’t conceive
Please comfort her and fill her heart with hope
Have mercy on her and bless her womb with a child
Let her experience the miracle of carrying a baby inside of her
Let her be a testimony for your works,
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

I receive the power to be fruitful
Merciful Father,
Thank you for my life and your presence in my marriage
I glorify your Holy Name for your kindness, goodness, and mercies on my life and my marriage
Father, please forgive me for my sins and cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ
Have mercy on me, Lord, and make me fruitful.
I renounce all forms of barrenness and infertility in my life and my marriage.
I receive the power to be fruitful in Jesus’ name
Father, pour out your anointing on me,
Pour out your strength over me,
And break every yoke of infertility and barrenness on my life
In the name of Jesus, I reject every spirit of doubt, fear, and discouragement.
In the name of Jesus, I shall conceive and become a mother
Thank you, Father, for answering my prayer.

Heal me of any damages or afflictions on my womb
Almighty Healer,
I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration
I praise your Holy Name for you are the Sovereign Lord
And there’s nothing you can’t do
Lord, I come to your presence today to receive my healing
Please forgive my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness
Please forgive me in any way that I may have brought infertility and barrenness upon my life
Father, please let your mercy prevail over every judgment on my life
I come before you today for your healing mercies
Please lay your mighty hands on me
And heal me of any damages or afflictions on my womb and my body
Let me experience the miracle of pregnancy in Jesus mighty name,

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I bind infertility and childlessness
Almighty Lord,
I bless your Holy Name
Thank you for all that you do for me
Thank you for giving me the power to trample on serpents and scorpions
By that power, I receive my divine restoration in Jesus’ name
By that power, I lose myself of every evil manipulation in my life
Father, your word says that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven
Father, I bind anything that is causing me to be childless
I bind everything in my life that is causing me to be infertile
Father, I let loose everything that the devil has bound in my life
I let loose my womb, I let loose my children
Every chain holding back my children from being born, break loose in Jesus’ name
By the power you have given to me, I receive my miracle in Jesus’s name
I know and believe that I shall conceive in due season,
Thank you for your word, Lord
Thank you for making me fruitful,

Let your will be done
I’m grateful for your works in my life
Thank you for all that you do for me
I’ll be an ingrate if I ever say that you haven’t done enough for me
You do so much in my life and I can’t thank you enough
I’m grateful Lord, thank you.
Father, I’ve been trying for a baby for some time now
And it’s not happening
Lord, I know and believe that whatever is mine, you let me have
So if being pregnant is not your will for me, then let your will be done in my life
Please give me the strength and courage to accept your plans for me
Please comfort me and put my mind at ease
Guide me on the right path to follow, so your plans for my life can unfold
If it is your will that I have a baby,
Then please give me the patience to wait on your timing
Fill my heart with joy no matter what
Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer,

Prayer for healing infertility
Almighty Lord,
I’m thankful that you keep watch over my life and my marriage.
I confess that you are my safe haven.
I trust you during these uncertain times in my life.
I cast all my fears and anxieties unto you.
Please let the fire of your restorative powers travel through my reproductive system, and restore its function
Remove any infection in my womb that is making me infertile
Please anoint my entire being with your peace and love
Thank you for making me worthy in Jesus’ name

Remove any curse of barrenness on me
Gracious Lord,
Thank you for your love and grace
Thank you for sending down your son to die for me, so my sins can be forgiven
Please forgive me for all my sins and my iniquities
I surrender myself to your power and your grace to sustain and restore me
Lord, please touch me with your healing hands and heal me
Please forgive me in any way that I may have contributed to my infertility
Cast out anything that should not be in me
Weed out any evil habitations inside of me that is causing me to be infertile
Remove any curse of barrenness on me
Deliver me from any damage in my womb that is making it impossible for me to get pregnant
Touch me, Lord, and I will be healed,
Thank you for answering my prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

Bless me with a child
Heavenly Father,
I come before your throne today to ask for a child
Please have mercy on me and bless my womb with a child
Father, years of infertility and childlessness is beginning to get to me
It has even become a way for people to mock and humiliate me
I can’t fall asleep at night because my heart is troubled and my soul weeps all night
Save me, Lord, change my story
Please put an end to all the mockery and humiliations
Give me my own testimony, Father
Bless me with a child,
And I’ll raise him in your light and your word so he can serve you
Thank you for hearing my heartfelt prayer,

Prayer for rainbow baby
Almighty Lord,
I come to you in tears today because I lost my baby
Father, after trying so long for a baby, I miscarried
I feel so sad and broken and I don’t know what else to do
So I come to you, Lord
I prayed and you answered, you made me pregnant
So I know and believe you can do it again
Please help me conceive again
Please give me another child
Please give me a rainbow baby
I pray that this time around, no harm comes to my baby
I pray that this time around I will carry my baby to full term
Please give my body all the strength and nutrients it needs for the baby
I pray against anything standing between me and my children
Bind up anything that is making it hard for me to conceive
Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer once again

Prayer against secondary infertility
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for my life and that of my family
I thank you for your presence in my marriage
Thank you for blessing our union with a child
Father, it is our desire that we have another child and grow our family
But it’s being hard to conceive again
So we pray that you will bless us with another child
We encountered the same difficulty the first time,
But you helped us overcome it, and now we have our first child
So we know you can do it again for us
In Jesus name,

A man’s prayer against infertility
Almighty Lord,
Thank you for giving me such a loving and understanding woman as a wife
Father, my wife, and I have been trying for a baby for some time now and it’s been hard
Medical report shows that the problem is with me
And as much as my wife wants to be strong and supportive of me,
I see the hurt in her eyes and I know how much she wants to be a mother
So, Lord, I come to you for healing
Please let your healing waters flow through me and heal me
Let it heal me of any infections and sickness that is causing me to be infertile
Please lay your hands gently on me and heal me,
Make me fertile, Lord, so that I can get my wife pregnant in Jesus name,

Prayer for healing infertility in men
Gracious Lord,
I come before your throne with my health problems
Father, please have mercy and restore me back to good health
Father, I can’t father a child and it hurts me
But I trust that if I come to you with my troubles,
You will take them and give me peace
Please let your healing power flow through me and heal me
Please heal my reproductive system and make me fertile
I pray against low sperm count and low sperm motility
Fill my sperms with strength, vitality, and energy, Lord
Let them be able to function properly
Saturate me with your grace and make me whole
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

Couple’s prayer for conception
Dear God,
Thank you for our lives and our union
Thank you for your blessings and goodness in our lives
Father, we’ve been trying for a baby for some time now
And all our efforts have proved futile
We’ve been to the hospital and the doctor sees no reason why we can’t conceive
Father, you are the Almighty, the great healer, you, Lord are the only one who does the impossible
Simon worked all night and caught no fish,
But when you became involved, he caught a lot more fish that his net began to break
Father, we ask you to come and take control of our situation
We’ve been doing it on our own for months, we need you, Lord.
We believe that once you become involved we will succeed.
We know that with you involved we will conceive
So take total control over us
Take total control over our marriage
Draw us closer to you, Lord, saturate us with your presence, and your glory
Give us our own miracle,
Let us see your works in our lives, Lord
We give you all the glory
Thank you for your love and mercy,