Verse – Psalm 103:8-10
The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
Reflection – Psalm 103:8-10 – Be Compassionate
The opposite of the thoughts in this text is true about humans. Humans love to harbor hatred, hold grudges, hold on to anger and repay each other according to the offense. If you possess these behaviors then you do not share the likeness of God. If your spirit is of God then let your life should reflect his likeness and behavior.
When everyone is looking for revenge on people who have hurt them in the past, we should be looking to have compassion and not repay evil with evil. This is what sets us apart for God’s kingdom. Let us strive to be different. Let us leave vengeance for Him, for who could ever survive the wrath of God?
Psalm 103:8-10 questions for self reflection
- In what ways do your actions and attitudes reflect God’s compassion and mercy?
- Do you find yourself holding onto anger or grudges? What steps can you take to let go of these feelings?
- How do you respond when you are hurt by others? Are you willing to entrust vengeance to God, and if not, what holds you back?
- How does remembering God’s forgiveness toward you change the way you view the offenses of others?
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Psalm 103:8-10 Declaration
I am letting go of all the hatred and pain I harbor in my heart. I will no longer wait in anger for someone who offended me to fall into my trap. I will strive to be like my maker and have compassion for those who hurt me.
Psalm 103:8-10 Prayer
Father Lord
I know you made me in your image
I want to live to please you
I pray that you soften my heart
Help me let go of all the anger
Teach me to be compassionate and patient with people
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