- 26 Powerful Daily Prayers For Today
These prayers and more can be found in the book “Morning Prayers: Start Your Day With God“. You can buy the physical copy here or buy the downloadable copy instead.
“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
Psalm 5:3
Life is a daily struggle. That means that as Christians we should never leave our home without putting on armor. Even before you step out, a lot of traps and evil plans would be waiting for you. We sometimes think that perhaps, we think like everyone else and that everybody wants the best for us. This is not the case for ‘our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm (Eph. 6:12).
Every day you step out as a Christian, your soul is heavily coveted by the devil. He wants it bad, so he can add you to his followers. He will entice you with things that are attractive to the flesh and cause you to sin. This is why we need to ‘Put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11)
Daily prayers are meant to bridge the gap between you and your maker each morning. It is about telling him that you still know he is in control of your life and your soul. It is about committing your day and your heart to him and committing your heart and family to him in case something should happen to you.
We must never be too far away from our Lord because the further we wander the closer we get to the devil. When a child walks in the dark with a parent, they hold the hand of the parent so they don’t get left behind or lost. The Lord is our shepherd and we should always be close to him and commit to him each day so we do not get left behind. Make it a routine to pray every day. This fortifies your faith and keeps you assured of his love and protection for you.
Pray without ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17
When was the last time you prayed? The Bible urges us to pray continually without ceasing. Do you do this or you only remember to pray when you are faced with a challenge?
As a Christian, it is very important to pray to God always. It doesn’t have to be a long prayer, you can take less than two minutes to say a prayer to God.
Prayer provides comfort, encouragement, and guidance through life. So you have to make it a point to at least start and end each day with a prayer.
What to pray for
Every day after our daily devotion, my husband asks me what are we praying for today? I know this is a question that a lot of Christians ask too.
Well, when trying to decide on a prayer for the day, you can say a prayer based on the scripture you read or the devotional message you received, that is if you want a prayer to say after your daily devotion.
You can also say a prayer based on your personal needs. So if you are sick, you can pray for healing. If you are in school, you can pray for knowledge and understanding. If you are worried, you can pray for peace. If you are sad, you can pray for comfort.

Prayer points for your daily prayers
When it comes to daily prayers, there are several key points that you can focus on to help guide your intentions and deepen your spiritual connection. Here are some prayer points that you may consider incorporating into your daily prayers:
- Pray for faith: Finally, ask for an increase in faith and trust in God’s plan for your life. Pray for the strength to persevere in times of doubt or uncertainty, and ask for the courage to follow your spiritual path with conviction and confidence. Trust that God will provide for your needs and guide you on your journey.
2. Thank God: Begin your prayers by expressing gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Thank God for the gift of life, health, love, and abundance. Taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the good things in your life can help shift your perspective and cultivate a spirit of gratitude.
3. Ask for forgiveness: Reflect on your actions and behaviors from the past day and acknowledge any mistakes or wrongdoings. Ask for forgiveness from God and commit to making amends and improving yourself. Seeking forgiveness is an important step in cultivating humility and fostering inner peace.
4. Pray for guidance and protection: Ask for God’s guidance in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Seek protection from negative influences and harmful energies, and ask for strength and courage to face any obstacles that come your way. Trust that God will lead you on the right path and protect you from harm.
5. Pray for peace and love: Offer prayers for inner peace, harmony, and love in your heart and in the world around you. Pray for healing in relationships, reconciliation in conflicts, and compassion for all beings. Cultivating a spirit of peace and love can help you connect with others and foster a sense of unity and harmony.
6. Pray for others: Extend your prayers beyond yourself and lift up the needs and concerns of others. Pray for your loved ones, friends, and community members, asking for their well-being, happiness, and success. Sending positive energy and blessings to others can help strengthen your relationships and spread goodwill in the world.
Below are some prayers you can say daily.
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Morning Prayers: Start Your Day With God

Midnight Prayers: Wake Up And Pray
26 prayers for today
Daily Wake Up Prayer
Dear Lord
Thank you for your love this morning
thank you for waking me up and giving me the breath of life
I know that I am not better than those who did not see today
Thank you for your loving grace that abounds in my life
I commit myself to your hands
Sustain me and favor me today
Never leave my side
Carry me in your protective hands
Let everything I do bring glory to you
Take me through today with grace, peace, and protection

Daily Bread Prayer
Dear Lord
Thank you for this day
I pray that you open doors of opportunities for us
Help us make money to feed and clothe our family
Let those who sell get buyers
Let us reap all that we sow in our businesses
Give us our daily bread
Let us not go hungry
Grant us the strength and willpower to work hard for our food
Let us not be tempted to steal from others
Just like you provide for the birds in the sky
Please provide for us, for we are powerless without you
Thank you for answering our prayer

Prayers for today – Help me overcome any hurdles
Dear God,
Thank you for the opportunity to see this new day
I pray for your love and your strength today
Please help me overcome any hurdles that may come my way
Please give me wisdom and guidance in everything that I do today
So that my words and my actions will honor your holy name
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

Daily Prayer for my Marriage
Heavenly father
Thank you for the gift of another day
Thank you for the life of my spouse
I commit our marriage into your hands
Come and take control of it
Be our mediator, comforter, and peacemaker
We began with you and we ask that you keep us together in love
Help us understand each other and be there for each other
We cast out all physical and spiritual forces working against us
Let our house always be filled with laughter and not quarrels
Bless us and our children and let your light never leave this family

Daily Prayer for my children
Heavenly Father
Thank you for the precious gifts you have bestowed upon me
I am grateful for their lives each day
I pray that you keep and protect them today
As they go to school, please lead them
Be by their sides
Keep them away from trouble
Open their minds, so they can learn well
Give them the strength to live for you
Let them not be influenced by bad company
Keep them safe and cover them with the blood of Jesus

Daily Prayer for my Family
Heavenly Father
Thank you for this day
I commit my family into your hands
I ask that you guide and protect each and every one of them no matter where they are
Let your favor follow them in all that they do
Protect them with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus
Let our bond be strong forever and ever
Let them be followed by grace in all their endeavors
Heal them of any pain or sickness
Keep them under your protection
Let their names be glorious and let them be victorious
Please grant them their hearts desires and never let them depart from your light

Prayers for today – Please renew my spirit
Heavenly Father,
I thank you today for all the blessings and goodness
that you showered upon me and my family.
I pray that you give me the strength to be able
to complete all my tasks for the day.
I pray that no matter what I face today,
you will help me to endure and overcome
Please renew my spirit and fill me with your peace.
Thank you for your everlasting love through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

Prayers for today – Help me to rely on you
I come before you today to seek guidance and protection
I do not know what the day has in store for me but you do
I do not know who I will encounter today
But you Lord, are aware of everything ahead of me today
So I pray that you lead me in all I do today
Help me to rely on you no matter what
Remind me that you are my rock and my fortress
When circumstances cause me to worry,
Please remind me that you are ever-present in my life
In Jesus name, I pray,

Prayers for today – Lay before me good opportunities
Merciful Father,
I thank you for this beautiful day.
Thank you for your love and blessings over my family and my friends.
I humbly ask for your guidance as I step out today
I pray that you will lay before me good opportunities
Father, please make ways for me when I feel trapped
Open doors of opportunities for me when they seem to be closed.
Be my strength when I am weak
Be my voice when I can’t speak
Open my eyes to see better opportunities
And grant me the wisdom and guidance to be able to act on these opportunities.
And when I succeed in them,
I will give you all the praises and adorations,
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

Prayers for today – Shine your face on me
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the peaceful night’s rest
Thank you for the opportunity to wake up today
with renewed strength and energy
I pray that you be my guide today
Shine your face on me and let me see your goodness in my life
You know what challenges lie ahead of me on this day.
Please give me the strength and energy to sustain me throughout the day
In Jesus’ name, I pray

Prayers for today – Fill me with your peace
Dear God,
I bless your holy name for the good night’s rest you gave me
Thank you for renewing my heart and refreshing my soul.
I pray that you give me strength in everything I do
Help me surrender all my worries and challenges to you.
Fill me with your peace, joy, and love this day and always

Prayers for today – Help me to love others
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the love you’ve shown me
Thank you for your goodness and faithfulness in my life
Thank you for showing me that someone like me deserves love too
I pray that you help me to extend this love to others
Help me to love others just as you have loved me
Help me to be kind and understanding to others
Let me be your vessel and work through me
to show others your love and your compassion
In Jesus’ name,

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Prayer for others
I stand before you in prayer today,
Not for myself but for anyone who needs you right now.
Father, whatever it is that someone is going through today,
Please help them and take away their burden
If there’s someone who is weak, I pray for strength for them
If there’s someone who is sick,
I pray for your divine healing for them
If someone is lost, please be their guide
If someone is anxious, please calm their mind
Please provide comfort to the brokenhearted
And be their reminder that you are with them
Help them to hold onto their faith in you
Fill their hearts with your peace and gladness
In Jesus’s name, I pray,

Daily Prayer for my Spouse
Dear Lord in heaven
Thank you for giving us this day
I commit my spouse into your hands
Please protect them from any harm today
Grant them peace and joy in their hearts
Let every endeavor they undertake be a success
Bless them in their life and in their workplace
Protect them from any evil that may await them
Remove any negative force that wants to destroy them
Grant them the desires of their hearts
Heal them of any pain they may be going through
Keep our family together in harmony and love

Prayer for forgiveness
Merciful Father,
I thank you for your love
Thank you for the sacrifice that your beloved son would die for my sins
I pray that through your son Jesus Christ, all my sins would be forgiven.
Father, I know that I am not worthy of your forgiveness,
But please cleanse me of all my sins and renew my heart
Forgive me for the sins I committed knowingly and those I committed unknowingly.
Thank you for making me worthy of your forgiveness.
I pray that you will help me forgive others
Just as you have forgiven me
Help me to let go and not hold any grudge against anyone
Help me to be considerate and understanding when someone offends me
Fill me with your peace and love
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for peace
I come before you today to cast all my burdens onto you
Lord, you are aware of everything going on in my life now
Please come into my life and give me peace
Remind me to think of you and your goodness
instead of worrying about my problems.
Give me rest and help me to trust in you.
Please take away all my fears and my anxieties
And grant me peace and serenity
Comfort my heart and give me the strength to endure this trial
Thank you for gracing me with your presence and your comfort
Through Jesus Christ,

Prayer for guidance
Father Lord,
Thank you for all that you do for me
Thank you for your guidance and protection
Thank you for leading me in all I do
I pray that you show me your way
and guide my every thought and action
Whenever I am faced with a decision,
Please do not let me figure it out on my own
Help me to understand and know your ways
Teach me to lean on you for guidance and direction in all my doings
Thank you for an answered prayer,
In Jesus’ name

Prayer for protection
You are my rock and my fortress
Help me to stand strong in you
You are my shield and my buckler
Protect me from any evil that may come my way
Please cover me with your wings
And protect me against my enemies
Please watch over me when I step out
Please be my guide and bring me home safely
Please protect me from sickness and harm
Fill me with your love and your faithfulness
And take away any fears I have
Remind me that I am never alone in this life
In Jesus’ name,

Daily Prayer for Protection
Heavenly Father
Thank you for this lovely day
We are grateful for the love and care you send our way every day
We pray today to ask for your protection
Please keep us safe
Sanctify the food and water that we consume
Bless the places that we walk and run so we do not fall
Keep us away from diseases and sicknesses that will torment our lives
Fight our battles against those who want us destroyed
When we travel please keep us safe and return us home
Save us from our sins and protect us from traps and evil plans arranged for us
Grant us peace and love and fulfill us today

Prayer for your work
Dear Lord,
Thank you for today
Thank you for my life and my health
Thank you for my work
I pray that you bless what I do and help me to be successful
Please go before me today and open doors of opportunities for me
Help me to land new clients for my work
And help me to work diligently
Please fill me with love and joy
So I can relate well with my customers
In Jesus name,

Daily Prayer for Work
Heavenly Father
Thank you for making a new day in my life
I pray for my work
it is our source of income
I ask that you grant me protection at my workplace
Keep me away from any trouble there
Help me climb up the corporate ladder
Let me receive everything you have planned for me there
Let no one take any promotion or advancements from me
Keep me in a cordial relationship with everyone
Help me be excellent in all I do
Keep me committed to my job
And help me achieve all my goals

Fill my heart with joy and gladness
It’s me again.
Thank you for helping me sleep through the night
And waking me up to this beautiful morning
Lord, I pray that you teach me to love my life with each passing day
Fill my heart with joy and gladness
And remind me of all the things in my life to be thankful for.
When thoughts of negativity begin to fill my mind,
Please remind me that you love me
When I begin to feel helpless and hopeless,
Please remind me that you’ve got me
When I feel like I hate my life,
Please remind me that you created me for a purpose
Mold and guide me to your purpose for me
Because I trust that your plans for me are better
than anything I could ever ask for
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

Prayer for healing
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for waking me up to this beautiful day
I pray that you forgive me all my sins and cleanse me of my unrighteousness
I humbly ask for your healing touch.
Please heal me and give me strength
Let your Holy Spirit flow into me and restore me to good health
Please breathe your healing power into me and make me whole again
In Jesus’ name, I pray

Daily Prayer for the Unknown
Father Lord in heaven
Thank you for another day
I pray that you protect us from the unknown
Help us be prepared for anything the devil throws at us
Let us not willingly go to places that might destroy us
Help us not fall into any attractive traps
Keep us from making decisions that may handicap us
Protect our bodies from poisons we unknowingly consume
Keep us safe from thieves and robbers who plot against us
Remove diseases and sicknesses that lay in wait for us
Protect us from ignorant mistakes we might be making
Be our guidance in times of confusion and
hold our hands when we walk through the darkness

Daily Prayer for the Country
Dear Lord
Thank you for giving us this day
I pray and commit my country into your hands
I pray that you strengthen our leaders and fill them with wisdom
Help them make choices that will not lead this country into war
Help them govern this country with your guidance and judgment
Protect us from evil people who only steal and destroy us
Give us the strength to protect ourselves and each other
Help us dedicate this country to you and not the devil
Lead us to economic freedom
Help us develop and leave a better country for our children
Bless us and keep us safe in Jesus’ name

Daily Bedtime Prayer
Dear Lord in heaven
Thank you for taking us through this day
Thank you for protecting us from all evil
Thank you for guiding us away from sin and destruction
Thank you for keeping our children safe and returning them to us
Thank you for your love and care
As we sleep, we commit ourselves into your hands again
Come and stay the night and watch over us
Let us dream dreams of prosperity and glory
Keep our hearts beating and give us the breath of life
Let your angels protect and keep us
And let us wake up tomorrow with thankful and grateful hearts

Our daily lives should always have God in them. Speak to him no matter where you find yourself. Start the day with him and end it with him. He is the keeper of your soul. He is the protector of your light, so keep him in control.
Sometimes we believe that where we end up is a result of coincidence. Somebody wakes up at home, goes to work, and ends the day in a grave or an unfamiliar place. We do not know our future, if we did we wouldn’t take the steps that we do. This is why God needs to be in control. We have free will, yes but we need his council each day because he is the only one who knows the future.
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”
2 Thessalonians 3:3
These are all wonderful prayers . I need them all in my life each day to be a better person of this world and to help others. I will go on your website the graceful chapter .com .
Thank you for having this web site . I appreciate your kindness and gratitude to help others.