10 Halloween Prayers For The Departed

For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

Halloween is a time of remembrance. Modern times have converted it into a time when we express ourselves in dark themes and demonic and satanic representations. Halloween should be a time that we spend with our departed in spirit. It’s a time we remember the impact of those who lived in our lives in times past. Death came through the first man and life has come through Christ Jesus.

Halloween is a time we use to reflect on the lives of those who once walked amongst us. The good and bad memories we shared with them resonate with us for the rest of our lives. The deep impacts that they made in our lives must never be forgotten.

These things could be a meal you once shared with a brother, a wonderful encounter you had with a lover, a beautiful life you shared with a husband or a wife, or a great gift you received from a stranger.

There are family members who have departed our lives and left us with marks we can never erase. There are some friends who are gone but can never be forgotten because of how good they were to us. There was even a time you received something from a departed stranger that really touched your heart.

Halloween is a day to remember the dearly departed and take lessons from the lives they lived when they were with you.

“When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory. ”Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’”

1 Corinthians 15:54-55.

In Christ, however, there is hope for the dead. Paul prophesies that the dead in Christ will rise again and be clothed in immortality. This means that we will be reunited with those who have sadly passed on from our lives one day.

During Halloween, we must pray for the souls of the dearly departed that God will save them from the toils and strains of the spirit world. We must pray that God forgives them of all their transgressions even if they weren’t able to ask God themselves.

We should pray that even if they died in their sinful ways, God should have mercy on their souls as they probably didn’t know what they were doing at the time. Some traditions believe that during Halloween, the souls of the departed come back from God’s paradise to spend time with the families they left behind.

Others whose spirits are of a sinful nature and are bound to curses cannot however make the journey into God’s special place. Similarly, those who do not die in Christ are not at rest because their souls are in bondage. During Halloween, we must pray to God to show mercy to those souls and help them find their way to Him.

Halloween Prayers For The Departed

Prayer for a departed mother

Father Lord in heaven
I pray for my beloved mother
I thank you that you blessed us with her
Thank you for all she did for us when she lived
I ask that you save her soul
Keep her in your bosom always
Let her toils never be in vain
Bless her abundantly for all she did for us
Grant her a safe and warm place to lay her weary head
Let her know that we love her deeply and will never forget her memory

Prayer for a departed mother

Prayer for a departed father

Dear Lord in heaven
Bless my dearly departed father
Grant him rest from the pains of this life
Put the crown of glory on his head
Let him know his life was precious
Tell him we appreciate all he sacrificed for us
Let us live in a way that will make him proud
Let us always remember the good things he taught us
Keep his soul in your bosom
Grant him a safe passage into paradise
and let him find rest with you forever

Prayer for a departed friend

Dear Lord
Thank you for the blessings we received through our friend
Thank you for this precious gift we received
We pray that his legacy will never be forgotten
Though he is not with us anymore
we pray that the positive impacts he made on us will stay forever
We ask that you protect and provide for their family
Fill any void they left behind
Wipe away their tears and comfort them
Replace anything they lost as a result of their departure
Grant them a place in paradise and bless their souls abundantly

Prayer for a departed friend

Prayer for a departed lover

Dear Lord in Heaven
Help my lover find his/her way to you
Give him/her rest from their travails
Let him/her know I won’t forget them
Let him/her know I appreciate the time we spent together
Let him/her know I wouldn’t have traded our time together for anything
let him/her know I will forever cherish their memories
Receive his/her soul into your bosom
Grant him/her peace and unite him/her with Christ
Be his/her comfort and let them know I love them

Prayer for a departed lover

Prayer for departed grandparents

Father Lord in heaven
Thank you for this gift you gave us
We appreciate the gift we received from our dear granny
We appreciate all the loving advice and warm company we received
We pray that you bless their souls and grant them peace
Let them know we appreciate them greatly
Let the lessons we learned from them never be forgotten
Let all their toil never be in vain
Let them know that we will carry their legacy forward
Wipe the sweat from their brow and restore their strength from their toils on earth

Prayer for departed grandparents

Thanksgiving prayer for the departed

Heavenly Father
We pray for all the departed from our lives
We thank you for the lives they lived on earth
We thank you for all the prayers you answered with them
We thank you for every contribution they made to us
We bless you for their presence in our lives
We are grateful that they walked amongst us
Thank you for all the blessings we received through them
May your name forever be praised
Thank you for the gift that was their lives
Thank you for the offspring they left behind
Thank you for your grace and favor upon us

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Prayer for all departed souls

Dear Lord in heaven
We pray for all departed souls
We ask that you find a place in your bosom for them
We unbind all bound souls in the name of Jesus
We free those who died in bondage with the Holy Ghost
We ask that you receive them graciously in your home
Have mercy on all your departed creation
Open the gates of heaven for all of them
Do not count their sins against them
Save them from their toils on this earth
Break all entanglements with the devil
Give them peace and serenity in the name of Jesus

Prayer for all departed souls

Intercession prayer for bound souls

Father Lord in heaven
We pray for departed souls who remain under the devil’s bondage
We break all demonic entanglements they are in
We ask that you forgive their transgressions
We break all union with demonic spirits
We nullify all spiritual marriages
We break them free of all that bound us to their souls
We ask that you deliver them from their own mistakes
Retrieve them from the talons of the evil one
Bring them back under your grace
and let the salvation of Jesus Christ be upon the departed

Intercession prayer for bound souls

Prayer against familiar spirits

Dear Lord in heaven
We come against all familiar spirits
We pray that you destroy any plans of the devil to use our departed
We break all relationships between our departed and the dark world
Protect their souls and sanctify their bodies
Do not allow them to be used by any familiar spirits
Protect their memories and grant them peace in their resting place

Prayer against familiar spirits

Prayer for those left behind

Father Lord
We pray for the spouses of those departed
We pray for the children of those departed
We pray for the family members of those departed
We ask that you replace all they have lost as a result of this tragedy
please protect and keep them
Do not let this ruin any plans they have for the future
Restore all the hope they have lost
Grant them the strength to go through this loss
Let today mark a revival in their homes
Give them grace and help them recover from this

Prayer for those left behind

Halloween should be a day we reflect somberly and remember all that we have lost. Let us use this day to remind ourselves of the journey ahead and the legacy we plan to leave behind for those coming up.

Use this day to appreciate everything your dearly departed did for you. Use this day to mark a new beginning in your family. Use it to reconcile all those who are estranged. Use it to focus on God’s love for your family and his goodness. Use it to reflect on your own life and how you would be remembered if you were to depart suddenly.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.

John 14:1-4

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