Verse – Psalm 136:1-4
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.
Reflection – Psalm 136:1-4 – God Is Our Source Of Life
When the text talks about great wonders it specifically relates their source to God alone. It calls him God of gods and Lord of lords. It means that God is the source of everything.
When you are connected to the source of something you will never run out of its products meaning that you will endure forever. When water is cut out at its main source every living creature that was enjoying it from another secondary source must perish because that was not the original source.
The text is telling us to give thanks to the direct source of our existence which is God. It’s a simple law of nature for things disconnected from their source to instantly perish. This is the case in our relationship with God. We must always seek to be directly connected to him and not through any other creation of his.

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I thank God for he is good. I am directly connected to God. He gives me life and sustains that life. He is whom I put my trust in and I will endure forever because of his eternity.

Dear Lord,
Help me test the source of powers I encounter
let me know immediately if they are not from you
help me resist the temptations to rely on other gods
give me the strength and wisdom to endure in you
let me live in your love forever