Reflection – Psalm 34:19-22 – By Grace Through Faith

Psalm 34:19-22

Verse – Psalm 34:19-22

The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

Reflection – Psalm 34:19-22 – By Grace Through Faith

When you are Christian it means you have faith in God, Christ, and all that he did to save you. It also means that his actions on the cross have rendered you righteous. Righteousness is therefore a gift imparted to your spirit by God. This means that your life should no longer be ordinary.

You should live a gifted life which includes; receiving what you ask for through the faith that you now have. Faith becomes your currency for shopping in the spiritual mall of God. It will buy you favor, grace, healing, goodness, mercy, progress, success, and all the good things of God. This does not mean that there will not be bad times. When those times come the thoughts of God are what we see in the text.

Reflection - Psalm 34:19-22 - By Grace Through Faith

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Psalm 34:22 declaration


I am delivered through my faith in the blood of Jesus and what he has done for me. My life will no longer be ordinary but will follow what I declare for myself. And though there will be bad times, my Redeemer will always deliver me.

Psalm 34:22 prayer


Dear Lord
Thank you for the righteousness imparted on me
Thank you for your abundant grace
I pray to declare only good things in my life
Let only blessings knock on my door
Fill my deserts with water
And let my tears be tried up and replaced with loud laughter


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