Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.
1 Peter 4:12-13
People sometimes talk about tests and trials as being ways to prepare you for the future. When you do not suffer to get things you normally take them for granted and do not truly appreciate them. Others also believe that the strength in your character is produced when you overcome many challenges and build a strong resistance to them.
The text is telling us to expect difficulty in our lives because those are the situations that truly test our abilities. It also tells us not to be sad when these things happen because we are in Christ. Being in Christ means that we are assured of victory no matter how testing or difficult our situations may be. The bigger the obstacle, the bigger your opportunity to test your strength and come out on top.
Sometimes you go into situations that look dire. You may lose all you hold dear and have nowhere to turn. These things may be confusing to you because they might make no sense. There will be times when it will seem like everything is crumbling around you.
However, as Christians, we need to muster up the courage and strength to keep going because we know that there is glory in the end. When you are assured of inevitable victory you must be determined not to quit in the middle. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter how bleak it looks in front of you.
When you fall you have to rise again and keep limping forward like a tired racer who is almost at the finish line. Our victory will be great and we will remember our sufferings no more.
Prayers for difficult situations
Prayer for a failing marriage
Heavenly Father
Thank you for how far we have come in this marriage
We have hit a snag that seems to be ruining everything we have built
We have tried different types of counsel but it doesn’t seem to be working
We are constantly bickering and can’t stand each other
We have lost all intimacy and we act like strangers to each other now
We pray for your divine intervention
Help us overcome this difficult situation
Bring us some peace and harmony and let us remember why we decided to do this in the first place
Help us through this and we know that your name shall be glorified in the end again

Prayer for a failing business
Merciful Father
I pray for my business and everyone who works with me
Please sustain it and boost it once again
Lately, we have been facing lots of difficulties
Products are not moving the way they used to
We break any physical or spiritual impediments fighting against us in Jesus name
Help us reach more and more customers
Let your favor and grace be the mark of our products
Let people find us no matter where we go
Remove any bad nuts that are causing harm to this business
Let us be able to pay off our loans and make a profit
Be the center of my business from now on, Lord

Prayer for job loss
Merciful Father
I am in need of your assistance as soon as possible
I have just lost my livelihood and I am in panic mode
I don’t know how I am going to care for my family now
Please help me find something soon
Show me the path to take to get an opportunity
All the plans I made are hanging in the balance now
Come and take control of this situation soon
Give me the courage and strength to overcome this difficult moment
Open my eyes to find the right path to take
Be my light and my strength, dear Lord
and let your glory shine on me

Prayer against drug addiction
Everlasting Father
Please help me break this addiction
It has a negative hold on my life
I have lost all my focus and my relationships are getting destroyed
I can’t control myself anymore
I don’t want this to cost me my life
I surrender to your will and intervention, dear Lord
Cleanse me of this impurity
Restore my strength and help me find my focus again
Clean me up in your pool of grace and glory
I will not give up, dear Lord,
I will keep fighting this till you deliver me

Prayer against debt and poverty
Dear Lord
Please come to my aid today
Please save me from this crushing debt
My business and my job have both failed
My assets are now being threatened to be sold
I am about to lose everything I worked hard for
My enemies are rejoicing in my downfall
But I will not lose faith in you, my Lord
I know you will give me glory in the end
Give me the strength to surpass this
Glorify yourself in my life, dear Lord
and let me be a living testimony to your gracious love

Prayer against false accusations
Father Lord in heaven
I have been wrongfully accused of a crime I know nothing about
In the eyes of men, I have been labeled a criminal
I know in your eyes, you know that I am innocent
I pray that you get me out of this temptation
I have always lived my life to please you and do the right thing
Crush this evil plan of the devil
Grant me the favor and grace you gave Paul and Silas
Break these chains off me and release me from this bondage
I will not lose my faith in you because of this
Open the doors of blessings unto me
and let my accusers be put to shame in Jesus name

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Prayer for difficult family relationship
Father Lord in heaven
Today, I ask that you mediate between me and my siblings
Things have been so difficult between us that we are no longer on speaking terms
We don’t seem to love or care about each other anymore
We had a small misunderstanding and now it’s like we don’t even remember that we are related
This is causing a strong division in our family
We no longer share anything good with each other
We bicker all the time and we are losing the loving harmony we used to share
Please come and take control of the situation
Let us remember the love we used to share
Bring back the harmony and peace we used to share
Remind us of our family bond and bring us back together once more

Prayer for wayward children
Dear Lord in heaven
I have tried to raise my child with the best of values and core beliefs
They have strayed from the right path and are heading towards danger
They are constantly getting into trouble
My heart is troubled and I am scared that one day the knock on my door will be bad news waiting
Please touch their hearts and their souls and reform them so they don’t perish in sin
Direct their paths and give them the wisdom to discern between good and bad
Lead them away from bad and disruptive company
Show them your light and let them cling to your word day and night
Save them from destruction
Protect them from evil
Bring them closer to you and bless them to stay in your light forever

Prayer for recovery from accident and injury
Dear Lord
Thank you for saving my life in this accident
It has taken away my livelihood for a while because my body is broken right now
I have become a burden to my loved ones
I know that you only have good intentions for me
This is a nightmare that I am going through
I pray for strength and care
Help me not give up on myself
Bless me with your spirit and determination
Let me fight my way out of this bed
and get me on the path to recovery
Heal me, oh Lord, and I will be healed
Thank you for answering my prayer

Healing prayer for disease
Dear Lord
Thank you for preserving my life
I ask that you take this disease away from me
Its been a source of distress and pain for me and my family
I will not give up on you, dear Lord
I know you are my healer and my redeemer
Strengthen my body, oh Lord
Let your holy spirit give me comfort
Rain your healing power on me
Make me fit again
I don’t want to die before my time, oh Lord
Hear my cry and rescue me

The measure of a person’s strength is the level of the situation they can overcome. Don’t be scared by the magnitude of the problem but be comforted by the power of the God you serve. You have already been promised victory so you need not fear.
There will come a day when you will speak testimonies to people concerning what you went through. When the devil whispers words of discouragement in your ears remember the words of God that say that the situation you are going through is only temporary.
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
1 Peter 1:6-7