Verse – Psalm 146:3-6
Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever.
Reflections – Psalm 146:3-6 Trust in God alone
Have you ever been let down by a promise someone truly intended to keep, only for circumstances to get in the way?
At times, we are promised fortune, inheritance, and other valuable blessings by people in our lives. While these promises are often made with genuine intent, they can falter due to external influences or unforeseen circumstances beyond anyone’s control.
Psalm 146 reminds us: not to put our trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. People are finite and fallible, but God is not. Wouldn’t it be freeing to entrust your faith and hope to an everlasting God who never fails?
Like a watchman who never sleeps on duty, God is ever faithful. He does not tire, waver, or abandon His promises. When you place your trust in Him alone, you anchor your life to a foundation that is unshakable. Trust in Him, and you will find security, peace, and fulfilment that the world cannot provide.
Self reflection questions
- Who or what do you find yourself trusting the most in your daily life; people, possessions, or God? Why?
- Can you recall a time when someone made a promise they couldn’t keep? How did it affect your faith in people versus your faith in God?
- When has God fulfilled a promise in your life that seemed impossible at the time?
- What does “trusting in God alone” look like in practical terms for your day-to-day decisions?
- In what areas of your life do you struggle to fully trust God, and why?
- What steps can you take to deepen your trust in God?
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Declaration – Psalm 146:3-6
From today, I vow to not put my hopes in humans. I will only trust in the Most High God because He made me and everything that I see. Only He can keep his promises to me without any excuses. My heart is filled with joy and my hope is fulfilled in Him.
Dear Lord
I bless your holy name
You are greater than all who ever lived
You hold the world in your hands
and You keep all your promises to me
I put my faith in you, Lord
Let me not put my hopes in humans
But instead, teach me to only trust in You
With you, I know I will abound in prosperity
and my future will be glorious