5 Powerful Prayers For My Soulmate

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

Genesis 2:18

The word soulmate is often confusing for some people. Some people often refer to those they care about and have affection for as their soulmates but the word suggests a definition far deeper than that. When your soul which is the singular essence of your personal being finds another soul with the same characteristics as yours then your soul has indeed found a mate.

There is a spiritual and deeper connection involved when two souls find each other as mates. The two of you must share the same ideas, beliefs, and sometimes attitudes. When people look at you they must instantly know that you were made for each other.

When two soulmates find each other, there is a subtle and effortless flow to their partnership. When other partners spend decades trying to resolve issues of character clashes and flaws, soulmates instantly find a spark and a way to coexist without struggle.

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.

Proverbs 31:10-12

As Christians, God wants us to love each other and multiply. He wants us to live in perfect harmony under his protection and guidance. He expects us to teach our children about Him always and show them the right path to follow so they are not lost.

Prayers for my soulmate

Guidance prayer for a soulmate and true love

Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for guidance and direction
I ask that you be my map divine
Help me see through my human emotions
Help me not follow my physical intuitions
Open my eyes to see clearly the soul you have prepared for me

When I see them, let me know instantly
Help me hear your voice when that day comes
I want to live for you, dear Lord
Grant me a mate that understands me
Give me someone who will enhance and enrich my life
Someone who will guide me closer to you
Someone who will love me and protect me from the evil of this world
Someone who will care for our family and lay down their lives for us

Prepare them just for me, dear Lord
Let me know when I see them
Give me a sign to know that I have found the one
Help me hear the right voices and see the right signs
Deliver me from the wrong souls
Help me not to be deceived and fall for the devil’s plans
Thank you for answering my prayer

Guidance prayer for a soulmate and true love

Prayer for finding a soulmate

Heavenly Father
I know we live in a big world
There are a lot of people that we meet every day
There are circumstances that determine where we live and work
I know that whatever you have written will come to pass
I pray that you help me follow the steps to find my soulmate
Deliver me from traps that will delay our being together

Help me resist the temptations to settle for someone who does not share my love and passion
Steer me away from those who will eventually hurt me and lead me to an early grave
Bless my footsteps and order them into circumstances that will expose me to my soulmate
Like a lost sheep is searched for by a worried shepherd, let us search for each other
Help us find each other and be together
Like you created Eve for Adam, create someone for me

Help me remain patient and hopeful until I find them
Help me not rush into any hasty decisions
My heart longs after the one who will share my soul
The only one my soul longs to love
The one made for me
Help us find our paths in Jesus’ name

Prayer for finding a soulmate

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Prayer for a supportive soulmate

Dear Lord
Thank you for my life today
I commit my soulmate into your hands
I pray that you prepare them to fit my life perfectly
I pray that you teach them all they need to know about me
Grant them the grace to love and adore you as I do
Save them from the lies of the devil
Make them believe in you and your purpose for our lives

Teach them to enhance our lives together
I pray for someone who will share my beliefs and sensitivities
Someone who will understand the way that I am
Someone who will hold me when I cry and not walk away from me when I need them most|
Someone who will raise our children with the standards that you have set for us

I pray for someone who will protect our family and
always put You at the center of our day to day lives
Grant me a gentle soul and a strong personality
Gift me a loving, caring, and wise person who will not lead me astray
Let your divine matchmaking bring us together

Prayer for a  supportive soulmate

Prayer for finding love and a soulmate

Father Lord in heaven
I come to you in prayer today
I ask that you grant me a soul to love me no matter what my flaws are
Someone who will celebrate my achievements and help me better myself in life
Someone who will pick me up when I am feeling down about myself
Someone will love me and my children forever
I pray that you light a never-dying flame of affection for me in their hearts
I pray for someone who will accept me for who I am

Someone who can see me through your eyes
Grant me a soul that will love me till I am old and grey
When I am weak and cannot work strongly anymore
Let my soulmate be there at my beck and call
Grant me a selfless soul who will put my needs ahead of theirs
Someone to hold my hand in times of turmoil and trouble
Someone who will hug me when the world thinks I am dirty just like Christ did for me
Let your love be our portion and let us hold on to this faith until the day that our paths cross

Prayer for finding love and a soulmate

Prayer to share our lives together

Father Lord in heaven
Thank you for my life and that of my soulmate
I pray for protection for us
Help us live our years to the fullest
Help us share our lives together in perfect harmony
Grant us the strength and wisdom to overcome any problems together
Let there be no secrets between us
Let us feel comfortable enough to share every aspect of our lives together
Let us be there for each other always and watch our kids grow up together

We reject any evil plans of the devil concerning our lives
We cancel any death plans that await us in the near future
Give us peace and love always to understand each other
Help us live in perfect harmony and make you the center of our union
Be our counselor, protector, and provider
Give us the grace to depend on you always and never seek help from elsewhere
Bless us abundantly and be our Lord forever

Keep praying for your soulmate even if you haven’t met them yet. God knows exactly what we need in our lives and He will provide it. When you do meet, do not try to evaluate them with your carnal mind. God put Adam to sleep before creating Eve for a reason. He wanted to create her perfect for his needs.

Prayer to share our lives together

Most of the time we are clueless when it comes to what we actually need and we make decisions that seem right at first but lead to our eventual destruction. Listen carefully to God, He knows what is best for you.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

2 Corinthians 2:14

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  1. Jean Andus
    October 20, 2023 / 4:57 pm

    I pray LORD JESUS help me find my soulmate whom will Love me forever and accept my two sons as his sons.
    Support and bring us to where he live now. LORD JESUS thank you! I know you will grant my prayer in the right and perfect time whom you set for me AMEN🙏 .

    • Wendee
      October 27, 2023 / 11:53 pm


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