I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands. But my love will never be taken away from him, as I took it away from Saul, whom I removed from before you.
2 Samuel 7:14-15
Fatherhood is a role played in the life of another person. Being someone’s father means being responsible for the safety, training, upbringing, and protection of the person. You don’t need to only be biologically related to someone for you to be that person’s father.
A father is compassionate, patient, stern when he has to be, supportive, a motivator, a corrector, a provider, and a mentor.
Fathers represent God on earth and are supposed to give their children the same things God gives to us. From the moment you accept fatherhood your life changes forever. You now become responsible for a person’s intellectual and social upbringing.
They look up to you for guidance when they are in trouble. They also depend on you for protection and nurture just as God does for his children.
Fathers love their children most of all.
I will guide you in the way of wisdom and I will lead you in upright paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, and when you run, you will not stumble.
Proverbs 4:11-12
Fathers know better than their children and must guide them along life’s road. When children trip and fall it is the responsibility of fathers to pick them up and encourage them to move again.
Fathers must live by example for their kids and instill in them all the good qualities they need to live when they are not there. God has given us his word to model our lives over. We must intern model our lives so that our children will learn from us and live their lives with good values they can also transfer to their children.
When you pray, say a prayer for your dad. Ask God to keep him strong and wise so he can impact your life in a positive way.
God is the ultimate example of a good father. Despite our many flaws, he loves us anyway. He continues to love us unconditionally, even when we disobey him. Ask him to make you a good father to somebody. Share your life with a young one and bring them up with the strength and wisdom of God.
Prayers for my dad
Prayers for my dad’s health
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray for my dad’s health
I ask that you clear his body of any impurities and ailments
Cleanse his organs of any harm
Build his immune system to resist any diseases
Save him from any spiritual attacks on his health
Take care of him everywhere he goes
Save him from accidents
Preserve his life for his family
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for wisdom for my dad
Dear Lord
Thank you for my dad’s life
I ask that you fill him with wisdom and direction
Show him the way to discern between good and bad
Let him bring us up in wisdom and strength
Teach him to honor your word always and live an exemplary life
Teach him the right things to say and do in every situation
Teach him compassion and patience to be able to raise us well
Help his marriage be strong
and teach him to rely on you always

Prayer for my dad’s job
Heavenly Father
Thank you for my father’s job
I ask that you bless his business and make it fruitful
Help him grow in stature and in grace at his workplace
Let his reputation grow bigger every day
Bless his business to break boundaries and go international
Let all he touches turn to gold
Give him direction so he doesn’t fall into any traps at work
and help him achieve all his goals and ambitions

Prayer for my dad’s finances
Heavenly Father
I pray that you bless my dad with money
Help him grow his bank account to the fullest
Boost his business and let him receive more than he loses
Reign endless riches on him
Let everything he tries bring him success
Let him walk, talk and breathe success
Water the plants he grows and let him reap abundantly during harvest time

Prayer for blessings for my dad
Merciful Father
I pray today asking you to bless my dad
Bless him in his marriage
Bless him at his job
Bless him in his finances
Order his steps into prosperity
Save him from all evil coming his way
Protect him from any disasters
Help him live a healthy life
Cause him to live in the abundance of grace and favor

Prayer for protection for my dad
Dear Lord
I pray that you protect my father
Shield him from all evil planned for him
We resist any bad plots waiting for him at his workplace or anywhere he goes
We ask that you be his light in dark places
Protect him from bad company
Save him from robbers and people who try to harm him
Be his shield from the storm
Hold his hand in difficult times
and wipe away any sadness in his heart

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Prayer for long-life for my dad
Dear Lord in heaven
Thank you for sustaining my dad’s life
I pray that you continue to strengthen him
Let him live long enough to enjoy his harvest
Let him see and play with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Let him pass on his wisdom unto the next generation
Sustain him and give him peace after his toil
Let him be proud of his life and all he has achieved
In Jesus’ name

Prayer for the single dad
Father Lord in heaven
I pray that you are with my dad every day
He is going through a tough period
Taking care of us alone has been a struggle
He needs your help
Please help him find a purpose in life again
Let him know that we love him always
Comfort him when he is sad
Let him find solace in you and not give up on himself
Be his strength and shoulder, Lord

Prayer for a wayward dad
Dear Lord in heaven
I pray that you guide my father out of this bad habit
Show him the light and let him find himself again
Teach him the right path and let him avoid bad company
Help him deal with his problems properly
and let him stop tearing this family apart
Restore his will to be the best dad for us
Take all the pain away from his heart and help him find favor in your eyes
Save him from the world and return him back to us

Prayer for a dead dad
Omnipotent Father
I pray for my dad’s soul
Thank you for giving him as a precious gift
Thank you for all the things he taught us and everything he gave to us
We ask that you forgive him of all his transgressions and take him into your bosom
Let him rest in paradise with you
Let his soul be at peace and know that he lived a good life
Bless his soul and fortify him each day
Let his eternity be spent being proud of us
and let us always remember him fondly

Your dad should be the representative of God in your life. He should be your mentor, provider, and protector against all evil. He is also human like you so learn to pray for him. When he is feeling down, draw near to him and show him some love.
Give him the same reverence that you give the Lord. Obey him and always listen to the wise advice that he gives you. Pray for him always so his heart and soul can find peace.
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.
Luke 15:20
When you become a dad someday, don’t forget the story of the prodigal son. The father was always willing to accept his son no matter what distance was put between them. Pray that God helps you be a good father.
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