First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
1 Timothy 2:1-6
God loves all his children and wants them all to be saved. In the times of Moses, Christ had not come to die and save man yet so God judged man on his deeds and his ability to follow and obey his commandments. God’s punishment in those times was instant and just.
Today we live in different times. Christ’s sacrifice means that man is no longer judged in the former manner but rather on their ability to accept Christ and follow his path.
Imagine having two paths in front of you. One path looks big and comfortable and has everything your body requires to be happy. It allows you to be as wicked, mean, sinful, and happy as you want. The path has a lot of travelers who are happy to be doing the same things mentioned and have no intention of going back.
However the end of that path is certain eternal destruction in hell fire. The other path is narrow and doesn’t have many people on it. The people on it are more interested in living their lives in the spirit of Christ Jesus. They look forward to a crown of glory in the future.
They abstain from sin and do not indulge in things that will please their bodies at the expense of the spirit. They follow God’s commandments and treat their neighbors the way they themselves want to be treated. The end of this path is the certain glory of eternal life in paradise with God and Christ Jesus.
The people on these two paths do not have their mortal bodies forever though. At any time they can lose their lives and spend eternity where their paths were taking them. There is however a possibility for these people to turn around and head for the other path if they wish to do so.
Those on the wide way can turn around and look to get on the narrow path. Those on the narrow path may also turn around and look to get on the wide path. Whichever path they are on when they die regardless of whether they were good turning bad or bad turning good determines where they will spend their eternity.
This picture shows why it can never be too late to turn to the right path no matter how long you have been traveling on the wrong one. The moment you turn around, God knows that you are looking for him. Turning around is not easy especially if the crowd you have to go through is a massive one.
As Christians however we must pray for sinners to resist the crowd and look for the light. We must also ensure that those on the right path are prevented from turning back to the wrong one.
Prayers for sinners
Prayer for a prostitute
Father Lord in heaven
We pray for women who have lost their way
Women who sell their bodies in exchange for money
We ask that you meet them at their point of need
Give them a change of mind to know how precious they are to you
Protect them from bad people out there
Give them a change of mind
Lead them to your grace
Forgive them their sins and let them turn around from their sins
Give them a better life and let them remember their former ones no more

Prayer for an adulterer
Dear Lord in heaven
We ask that you touch adulterers today
Help them remember the vows and promises of their commitment
Give them the self-control to stay for their partners
Help them solve any bad issues in their marriages
Grant them direction and guidance in their union
Help them love their partners as they once did
Remove all temptations from their paths
Grant them the strength to resist all evil should they befall them
Destroy all the plans of the evil one to destroy their lives
Let them hold their marriage up to you
and forgive them for their transgression so they turn back to you

Prayer for a fornicator
Dear Lord
We intercede today for fornicators
Help them stay and wait for your time
Give them their perfect partners
Let them not rush into anything they will regret
Stop them from defiling their bodies
Let them hold their peace and stay for the glory you have planned for them
Let them not be impatient
Let them not be pressured into destruction
Give them self-control
Let them rely on your counsel
Help them not depart from your word
and forgive them all their sins
Protect them and don’t let them die in their sin

Prayer for a thief
Dear Lord in Heaven
We pray for those in bondage
We intercede for those who steal from others
We know that this behavior is of the devil
We know that your children are not meant to be thieves
We pray that you give them a change of mind and heart
Let them know and appreciate what they have in you
Give them the spirit of contentment
Let them not be killed on this path
Rescue their spirits from this behavior
Let them return all they have taken from other people
Give them a new life so they remember the old one no more

Prayer for a murderer
Father Lord in heaven
We pray today for those who kill
We intercede for those who waste the precious lives you created
Touch them and let them abandon that life immediately
Take away the devil’s hold on them
Clean their minds so they are not deceived into cutting lives short
Reveal to them the gruesome errors of their ways
Show them a vision of the destruction that awaits them
Let them resist all evil ways that lead to them killing
Let them not be enticed by riches into becoming murderers
Take away their weapons of destruction
and grant them a change of heart and mind

Prayer for the greedy
Heavenly Father
Today we intercede for the greedy
We ask that you soften their quest for what they cannot have
Let them know and appreciate what they have
Let them not harbor hatred for other people
Let them love themselves for who they are
Let them be satisfied with what you have given them
Let them not kill or destroy others for what they have
Grant them the wisdom and strength to work hard for their own
Lead them out of the path of greed
Let them keep good company
and keep them under your protection and guidance always

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Prayer for a rapist/pedophile
Dear Lord in heaven
we come against this disgusting spirit
We ask that you give these people self-control
We break the devil’s hold on them
We know that this spirit only wants to destroy their lives
We know that you still love these people and you want to set them free
Give them the strength to resist this evil
Help them fight against this atrocity
Save their victims from them
Let them find the help that they need
Remove them from the company of those who push them
and remove these evil desires from their bodies so that they all may be saved

Prayer for the repented sinner
Father Lord in heaven
We praise your name for all newly repented sinners
We know that the path they have chosen will not be an easy one
We know that they will face a lot of struggles
There will be those who will try to turn them back again
Let them keep the focus on the light ahead of them
Let them always remember why they turned back in the first place
Let them never go back to their sin
Help them resist all temptation from the devil
Let them not be enticed by what they used to enjoy
Let them focus on their spiritual well beings
and grant them the grace to find peace in you for the rest of their mortal and spiritual lives

Prayer for a backsliding believer
Father Lord in heaven
Please help our brothers and sisters in you who are struggling to stay pure
Give them self-control and let them resist evil
Let them not go back to their former lives
Let them realize that there is nothing out there for them
Teach them that true eternal happiness only lies in you
The world will only chew them up and spit them out
Grant them the joy in you and let them not be pushed out
Let them resist all temptation
Let them find peace and love in you
Please answer all their prayers and meet them at their points of need
Give them fruits of your glory and let them never turn back on you

Prayer for a bearer of false witness
Father Lord in heaven
We pray today for those who bear false witness against their neighbors
We ask that you change them from this bad behavior
Let them realize their testaments are destroying a lot of lives
There are people in jail and with broken friendships and marriages as a result of this
We ask that you hold them and remove them from this path
Let them have a divine change of character
Let them not be deceived into bearing false witness
Strengthen them to maintain honor and dignity
Give them the grace to live for you and care for their neighbor
and do not let the lead others into destruction

If you come into contact with a sinner, the Lord requires you to cause them to change direction for the better path. You are required to be a warning sign that prevents sinners from dying of their sins.
As a Christian, you must be a vigilante soldier for Christ in turning others away from sin. You are also supposed to intercede for those who struggle with their walk of life in Christ. There are some who may backslide as a result of poverty and other problems in life. As a Christian, you must do all you can to help people like this. This is what the Lord requires of you.
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
2 Peter 3:9