Verse – Psalm 2:10-12
Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling. Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
Reflection – Psalm 2:10-12 – Only God Enthrones
The earth is the Lord’s footstool. Even though there is a lot of demonic presence on earth, the Lord still take dominion over them all. Do not forget that he created everything that you see and do not see. The only reason why the devil was able to corrupt the Lord’s pure people is because we possess free will.
Even though demons reside on Earth, it does not belong to them. Only God has the right to call the earth his own. Only he can destroy it if he wishes to.
As a king, you must be careful where your allegiances lie. The text tells you that your kingdom on earth still belongs to the Lord. Do not swear allegiance to evil when you are made king. When God appointed kings of Israel, his favor stayed on them until such a time when they have begun to displease him and get lured away by something else.
When the Lord appoints you king, it means he has a purpose for your life. Do not think that you are king by your own making. He put you in that family because he wanted to bless his children through you.
When you do not avail yourself for his purposes and you decide to enrich yourself whiles his children still cry to him for help, he will no longer have any use for you. You will perish on your throne and be given the burial of a king whiles your soul searches for a purpose in the afterlife.
Whatever power you are given over God’s children must be handled with care because it is a mandate from God himself and from no one else. He is the one you will answer to.
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I will forever be the voice and the instrument of God to bless his people.
Dear Lord
Thank you for this position you have given me in the eyes of people, this is an earthly position in your eyes, this is a royal priesthood
help me hear your voice and rule with that
give me the strength to do your will
let your people be blessed through me
let your wisdom fill my spirit
and let your favor follow me always