Verse – Psalm 27:1-3
The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
Reflection – Psalm 27:1-3 – God Our Light
Let us take David’s line by line and try to imagine what he felt inside his heart at the time he was singing this song. His light was the Lord. That means that whenever he perceived a dark situation or felt that a battle ahead of him was too hard to win he went with his light.
This light also was also his savior. He had absolute and total trust in God saving him from whatever situation. This was an admission by King David that his strength was not in his many soldiers or arsenals of war machinery but rather in the Lord God.
This tells us that we must not depend on our own strengths and power but rather we should leave the battles we encounter to the Lord God. David goes on to proclaim God as his stronghold. This means that no matter what may come towards him in war or destruction he would never be afraid as long as he stayed in the Lord. When God is your stronghold you are safe from all spears and bullets from any enemies that want your downfall.
David then declares that as a result of this friendship with God, there was no fear in his heart. The heart is the number one hiding place for fear. Some people may look scary and fierce on the outside but terrified on the inside because God is not their stronghold.
Isn’t it marvelous to be a Christian? Knowing that the one who keeps you safe is all-powerful and all-knowing should dismiss any fears in your heart and make you a brave soldier for him just like King David.

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The Lord is my light in dark times and my stronghold in tough times. As long as I remain in him I will fear no evil in my life because he is God over everything that was made.

Dear lord
thank you for reassuring me of your salvation
thank you for being my light in dark times
thank you for being my fortress
I will have no fear in my heart
I will face all adversity with confidence and bravery
I am assured of your love and friendship
and I will never leave your side