Finding a new house is the same as finding a new home. Whether you want a place to raise a family, start life, or just rest in you need to choose with God. Make him your partner in every decision you take concerning buying your new house.
Prayers for buying a new house should set your mind on an environment where you can grow spiritually and also physically. Surrounding yourself with the right people and the right environment is very necessary for your journey with God.
When Lot chose the land he thought was the best he ended up facing the wrath of God in Sodom and Gomorrah. When Abraham walked with God he ended up on a peaceful land where he went on to enjoy many blessings from God.
Buying a new house requires guidance from the most high. We should not just depend on aesthetics when selecting a new place of abode. We must listen to the voice of God when making this important decision. We need God each step of the way. Only He knows the future and what is best for us.
If you are saving towards a new house let God be you strength. Believe in Him and know every day that it can be possible. Do not give up when you hit a rough patch just keep at it and you will get there in the name of the Lord.
Prayers for buying a new house
Prayer for the neighborhood
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gift of life today
Thank you for my job and all the financial benefits you give me
I come to you in prayer today concerning this new house I want to buy
I pray for the neighbors in that place
Let them be people who will add to and not take from my life
I commit the neighborhood into your hands
Let it not be a breeding ground for bad people
Bring your peace into that neighborhood
Let the children grow up without fear and full of love for you
Come and dwell in that area and let your glorious love reign
Let there be neighborly love between everyone who dwells there and everyone who comes there
Let us live in peace and harmony
In Jesus name, I pray

Prayer for the environment
Father Lord in Heaven,
Thank you for giving me the capacity to purchase this house
I pray for the environment that we are going to live in
Let it be an environment that will help me grow spiritually
I pray that you remove any bad influences that may cause me to stray from your word
Let our children thrive in that environment
Let them be able to focus on their education and live a life after your own heart
Let them not be lured into any bad company
Protect them from any evil that plans to befall them
Let them live prosperous lives here and always seek to be under your light
Bless their hearts and order their steps into glory
Cause them to live according to your word
Let us not be targeted by any evil plans
Keep this house grounded in your glorious harmony and love
Keep us away from any disasters or troublemakers

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Prayer for saving towards a house
Dear Lord in heaven,
Thank you for my life this day
I have been planning to buy my own house for a while now
I thank you for sustaining me throughout this period
I know that I have not reached my goal
Yet, I have not lost faith in you
I pray that you open doors of opportunity and blessings for me
Bless the work of my hands so that I can make my target for the house
Grant me your heavenly favor and give me breakthroughs
I declare that I will buy this house in Jesus’ name
Grant me your strength to not relent when things are bad
When things seem dark be my light
Let me not lack anything while I save towards this project
Let me continue to trust and believe in you
Thank you for answering my prayer

Prayer for the family to settle in the new house
Heavenly Father,
We are grateful for your day to day divine protection in our lives
We have acquired a new house and we are about to move in
I pray that you help us settle into our new place seamlessly
Do not let our lives go through any traumatic or dramatic change
Let them settle into our new church and worship you even better
Let us be welcomed by our new friends and acquaintances when we move to our new house
Let us not be overwhelmed by any new challenge that we may face in our new surroundings
Let us not be scared to take responsibility just as we did in our old house
Let us serve you well and not relent in our commitments to you
Give us the strength and courage to settle into the new way of life
Let the new people we encounter get a good influence from us and bless us
Let us be shining examples wherever we go
Let us leave a good impression in our new setting
Grant us the ability to continue to live in you and abide in your word
Help us raise our children in you without any evil influences from our new environment

Prayer against previous evil in the house
Dear Lord In heaven,
Thank you for giving us our new home
Thank you for giving us shelter over our heads
We cast out any evil lingering that may be in this house
If any evil happened in the past that has caused a curse in the house, we bind it in Jesus name
If there was hatred between the previous owners and anyone in the neighborhood, we calm those hearts in Jesus name
If anything has been buried under the house that carries any form of misfortune, we burn it with the holy ghost fire
We plant your holy angels in the house to fend off any agents of the devil
We surround the house with your holy fire
We wash it and every room in it with your holy water
Let your angels guard it day and night
If anyone hides any evil plan concerning us in this house, we bind it in Jesus name

A new house is a new environment and a new way of life. Live with God. The same God who brought you out of your misery will continue to stay with you. Move into your new place with the faith and courage that your belief in God gives you.