Verse – 2 Chronicles 2:9
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.”
Reflection – 2 Chronicles 2:9 – Stay With The Lord Through All Seasons
King Asa was rebuked by Hanani the Seer for putting his faith in men rather than God even after God had saved him from the hands of his enemies. We are sometimes guilty of this.
When things get harder for us, we fear we are losing face in the eyes of mere mortals so we tend to resort to solutions that are not consistent with God’s plans for us. We sometimes feel like God’s response is not swift enough so we take matters into our own hands. We visit occultist places and use the brute strength of mortals to solve problems.
Some people resort to unruly behavior like bribing people in power just so they can get ahead in life over others who actually deserve it. If we truly want to walk with God always then we must always conform to his values. We must listen to him and wait on him through any situation no matter how dire it gets. We cannot go to him only when we feel like we have exhausted all ur avenues but we should start and finish with him always.

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The Lord will be my direction always and I will never resort to measures that will cause me to dishonor him.

Dear Lord
Thank you for being there for me always
Thank you for taking victory for me from the jaws of defeat
Let me always put my trust in you
No matter how scary it gets, let me always wait for your answer
Let me not be led astray by anxiety
Bless my path and lead me to glory always
Thank you once again for answering my prayer