Reflection – Psalm 136:23-26 – God Finds Us At Our Lowest

Psalm 136:23-26

Verse – Psalm 136:23-26

He remembered us in our low estate. His love endures forever and freed us from our enemies. His love endures forever. He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.

Reflection – Psalm 136:23-26 – God Finds Us At Our Lowest

God remembers us at our lowest. He remembered the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt. God does this so we know that it is not by our own strength, might, or beauty that causes him to bless us. His love for us endures forever.

When he takes us from our former states to a glorious state, we need not forget all the things he did for us when we were at our lowest. We must always remember to give thanks to him and be humble in our riches.

Reflection - Psalm 136:23-26 - God Finds Us At Our Lowest

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I will forever be grateful to the Lord for his unconditional love in my lowest state. He brought me out of my pain and gave me a seat at the high table. Thank you, Lord, for this goodness and mercy you have shown to me.

Prayer - Psalm 136:23-24


Dear Lord
Thank you for your love in my life
Thank you for finding me at my lowest
Thank you for seating me at the high table
Thank you for the grace and favor upon my life every day
My soul glorifies your name always
And my spirit bears witness to your loving kindness
Help me live my life to honor you
Let my words reflect your goodness
And let not your praise ever depart from my lips


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