Matthew 25:18-19
Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree withered away.
Reflection – Matthew 25:18-19 – Find Your Purpose
The Lord was hungry and needed to eat from the fig tree but the tree had nothing but leaves on it and had not to bore any fruit. The Lord was angry because the tree had not served its purpose and caused the tree to wither.
As Christians, we must bear fruit or the Lord will have no use for us. We must do as He has commanded us to do on this earth otherwise we will wither as the fig tree and serve no purpose for eternity. We were made to make disciples of all nations.
Consider the number of sperm that is released during intercourse and also remember that you were the only one who came through. This means that the Lord had a singular purpose for your life which is why he brought you unto this earth. Make sure that you serve that purpose or he will have no use for you.
You must bear fruit by converting humanity with his message of love. Your purpose on this earth is not to build mansions on this temporary surface but rather to win eternal souls for the Lord God Almighty.
You must use every avenue and opportunity to try and bring people into the light and take them away from the bondage of the devil. There are those living in bondage who do not even know about it. They eat and drink without caring for their souls and then in a moment they lose it for all eternity. The Lord has appointed me and you to prevent this from happening and we must serve this purpose or else when we meet him we shat be considered useless and wither.
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I will serve my purpose as appointed unto me by my King.
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Dear Lord
Let me know my purpose each day
Let me not be distracted by the things of this world
Let me win souls through any means for you
Strengthen me to serve my calling
Push me to places you want me to go
Let my presence draw people to you
and let me not wither on our meeting day