But those who hope in the Lord, will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
What is your hope in? Is it in your position, your money, or someone else? When life throws challenges your way, what gives you peace in difficult situations? Is it the hope that a human will come to your rescue, or your faith in wealth to solve your problems? Or is your hope in the Lord, the Everlasting One? True peace comes when our hope is anchored in God, who never fails.
In Isaiah 40:31, we are reminded that those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength. Life’s challenges can make it tempting to think, like Israel did, that God has disregarded us. But such thoughts don’t reflect faith in God. True faith means placing our hope fully in Him, trusting that He is faithful and never fails.
When your hope is in your position, it can be lost in an instant. If your hope is in wealth, what happens when circumstances change and it’s gone? And if your hope is in others, remember that they are human like you, limited, fallible, and sometimes unable to fulfill their promises. Even with the best intentions, people can disappoint. What happens when someone who promised to stand by you is unwell, unavailable, or no longer with you?
But hope in the Lord is different. It is steadfast and secure. God’s promises never fail, and His strength is endless. When we place our hope in Him, we find renewal, peace, and the power to endure any trial.
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God is everlasting. Unlike humans, who may falter or fail, God is unchanging and faithful. The Bible reminds us in Numbers 23:19 that God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. This means that God cannot lie. Every promise He makes is true, and His word stands forever.
If your hope is in an everlasting God who cannot lie, then you can rest assured that whatever you have lost, He will restore in His perfect time and way. Trust in His promises, for He is the God who turns mourning into dancing, who restores what the enemy has stolen, and who brings beauty from ashes (Psalm 30:11, Isaiah 61:3).
The Israelites, after years of captivity under Babylon, were tired and weary. Yet through the prophet Isaiah, God assured them that if they hoped in Him, their strength would be renewed. They shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah compares their renewed strength to the flight of an eagle, a bird that soars higher than all others, swift and powerful in the air. Imagine the strength and resilience God promises to those who place their hope in Him!
Perhaps you’re not physically tired or weary, but you may have another need, a loss, a longing, or a challenge weighing on your heart. Whatever it is, if you place your hope in the Lord and patiently trust His timing, He will renew you. He is the Creator of all things, and nothing is too hard for Him. Hope in Him today and let His strength carry you through life’s trials and uncertainties.