Make Gratitude A Habit – Free 30 Day Thanksgiving Bible Study Toolkit

Make Gratitude A Habit – Free 30 Day Thanksgiving Bible Study Toolkit

We can all agree that it is easier to give thanks to God when everything is going right in our lives. But the case isn’t so when things take the wrong turn.

We’ve all had times in our lives where something we were very much invested in didn’t fall through. This can cause us to complain and make us feel like God has neglected us.

But in such times, if you should make time to thank God, you will realize that God has not left your side.

So you did not get the promotion, the contract didn’t go through, the relationship didn’t last- Remember that God wouldn’t allow a door to close if it was going to keep you from His plans for you.

Right now, you may not see how things can work out, but God hasn’t ran out of options. He’s a miracle working God. He is not at a loss about how to turn your situation around.

All you have to do is to be patient and wait on God with good attitude and not anger, stress and complaints. (Philippians 4:6)

This is the time to wait on the Lord with a grateful heart and trust that you are exactly where He wants you to be.

This thanksgiving bible study toolkit is meant to help you make gratitude a habit and practice gratitude even when times are hard.

thanksgiving bible study

This Make Gratitude A Habit Bible study toolkit is meant to;

  • Help you understand the importance of thanksgiving and gratitude
  • Help you practice gratitude daily
  • Show you how to offer thanksgiving to God
  • Help you to give thanks to God even in tough times

This 71 page Thanksgiving Bible study toolkit contains;

  • A 30 Day Thanksgiving Bible Reading Plan
  • Verse study sheets to help you gain a better understanding of the verses
  • Bible study journal with enough space to write down your thoughts on the scripture and things you are grateful for each day.
  • 30 Printable Scripture cards to keep handy for when you need to remind yourself of how good God has been in your life and why you should be thankful.
  • A printable thank you prayer to serve as a guide when praying and offering thanks to God.

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thanksgiving bible reading plan

How To Use This Thanksgiving Bible Study Plan For Maximum Impact

This Bible study toolkit includes;

  • Bible reading plan
  • Verse study sheets
  • Bible study journal
  • Scripture cards
  • A prayer

How To Use The Verse Study Sheet

  • Read the verse carefully and write it down
  • Write down the keywords that stand out to you and what they mean to you.
  • Note the concept of the verse (Is it a promise, advice, or encouragement?).
  • In order to better understand the verse, it is important to read the verses before and after it.
  • If you don’t understand the scripture, try reading other Bible versions and translations. (NKJV, GNB, ESV, KJV, NIV, etc)

How To Use The Bible Study Journal

  • Read the scripture again carefully. After reflecting and meditating on the verse, write it down as you understand it. (In your own words).
  • Write down what the scripture is trying to tell you about thanksgiving.
  • Write down the things you are most grateful to God for the day.
  • Write down your thanksgiving prayer, thanking God for things you are grateful for.
  • Say your thanksgiving prayer to God. Thanking God in prayer every day will help you focus more on all the good things in your life and why you are thankful for them.

How to use the scripture cards

  • Print out the scripture cards and cut them out to keep them handy, (it will be best if laminated)
  • You can keep them in your purse or wallet or stick them where you will see every day.
  • This will remind you of what the Bible says about thanksgiving and praising God.

Note: Enjoyed this content and want unlimited access to prayer books and bible study resources? Then join The Graceful Chapter Plus to gain access to more resources to help strengthen your faith and grow in intimacy with God.

1 Comment

  1. Anthony
    November 17, 2022 / 3:13 pm

    So glad I found this site by accident (or was it )
    What a glorious way to thank Father God for all that
    We are because of his goodness.I need to thank Him
    More often than I do so these creative ideas you are releasing is just the reminders we all need
    Anthony John

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