6 Different Ways To Live Out And Share Your Faith When Traveling

While you know that God is with you wherever you go, when you spend time traveling, you will not have the opportunity to attend your local church and see your friends and family who regularly help you on your spiritual journey.

Therefore, it is important that you actively live out your faith while traveling.

Furthermore, traveling is your opportunity to spread the word about Christ with others and connect with Christians in distant places.

So, take note of the following six ways in which you can live out and share your faith when traveling.

Six Different Ways to Live Out and Share Your Faith When Traveling
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1. Pray Daily

You are sure to pray daily already and you are sure to keep doing so when traveling. But you may want to adjust your praying habits.

For instance, you might want to change the times of day that you pray so that you can stay on track with your itinerary or be spontaneous by doing something like attending a late-night theater show.

You may also wish to pray for different things than you pray for when at home. For example, you could pray for a safe journey or pray to meet like-minded people throughout your trip.

2. Stop at Churches

Whether you are traveling around the U.S. or to other countries, you will probably come across churches at which you can stop.

Whether you stop to pray, connect with the local minister, or simply absorb the beauty and magnificence of the churches’ architecture, stopping at churches throughout your journey will help you to live out and share your faith with others.

You might even like to research which churches are on your route before you leave home so that you can factor them into your itinerary.

3. Visit Religious Sites

Churches are not the only religious places that you could visit on your trip.

Depending on where you are traveling, you could visit the birthplaces of saints, European cathedrals, or Biblical places like Bethlehem or Mount Sinai.

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4. Learn the Local Language, e.g. Spanish

When traveling abroad, you will be able to share your faith with others more easily if you can speak the local language, whether that is chatting to a minister at a church that you visit, talking to the owners of hotels you stay at, or sparking up conversations with locals at cafés.

Thankfully, it is easier than ever before to learn another language, such as Spanish, by learning online.

For instance, once you experience Lingoda’s interactive Spanish lessons, you are sure to learn quickly.

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5. Actively Speak to People

Following on from the last point, you should perhaps not just wait for opportunities to speak to locals to come to you. You should also actively find opportunities to chat with people.

You can then spread the love of God even more.

One great way of doing that is to go on tours and do activities with a group.

If you want some peace and quiet and alone time during your trip, that is fine, too. You do not have to connect with others. But if you do actively speak to locals and other tourists during your journey, you will be able to share your faith more.

6. Be Kind and Charitable

Being kind and charitable is at the forefront of Christianity. So, you should obviously be just as kind and charitable when traveling as you are at home.

Indeed, you may find you have more opportunities to be kind and charitable when traveling, as you will likely meet more people than you would in your daily life, and there is a good chance you may meet someone in need, whether that is a homeless person who you buy food for or a tourist who has broken down in a remote location and who you help by calling a tow truck or giving the person a lift.


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