Day 2- Why We Believe In His Promises

Day 2- Why We Believe In His Promises
This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Hoping Against Hope

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;).

Hebrews 10:23

Have you ever been promised something by your boss subject to your performance or you accomplishing a certain task?

The buzz and the thrill you feel is because you imagine yourself already claiming or redeeming those promises. This gives you an extra push to accomplish those tasks in time so you can get your prize.

The difference between your mortal boss and God is that with God there are no broken promises. He does what He says and says what He does.

”Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”()

Psalm 146:3-4

God is omnipotent and faithful. He knows your future and exactly what you need. Mere mortals may make promises to you but they themselves do not know what will happen to them in the morning or if they will even live to see the morning.

Why then do you not put your hope in the One True God who created the Universe with His words? Only He can make promises to you and keep them. Only He is faithful.

You must profess your hope in God without wavering as the text says. This means that God understands that it will not be easy, that is why He tells us not to waver.

The devil has his own plans for your life and he is counting on the day that you lose all hope in God. He is always looking for that moment of weakness that will take you away from God’s purpose for you.

You must stand firm and not be swayed one way or the other because the end prepared for you is glorious but the devil does not want you getting it. When you set your mind on your boss’s price, nothing can distract you so nothing should move you away from God’s plans for you.

Your hope is the trust you have in God’s plans for you but the actions you take now knowing you will realize those’s promises in the future shows the strength of your faith.


Dear God,
I believe in the plans of victory and glory you have for me
I will not waver or be swayed by what I see or the difficulty ahead
I know that you are a faithful God
I put all my hope and trust in you
No matter the consequences I will look up to you
Carry and strengthen me in my moments of weakness
Hold me close when I walk among strange things
Do not let me out of your grace
And keep me grounded in your Hope for as long as I live.

Series Navigation<< Day 1 – What God Promises His ChildrenDay 3 – Overcoming Obstacles With Hope >>

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